《After the Ending》,三柒二拾一吖,都市 轻松,主角:林溪 ┃ 配角:沈林 ┃ 其它:|最新更新:2024-05-04 02:01:09|作品积分:68691
如果说前两篇《the Gift of the Magi》和《the last leaf》充满了人情味和温暖人心的warm ending,那么这一篇《After twenty years》则充满了各种对立和矛盾。两个儿时的朋友Bob和Jimmy立下约定,在分离后的20年当天,在原处相聚。 作为通缉犯的Bob体现着 人性中的自然本真;相反,作为正义化身的警察Jimmy却承载着职...
After the Party 作者:Jewell, Lisa 出版年:2011-8 页数:445 定价:108.00元 ISBN:9781451609103 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到
"Even though she gave us an ending in the book and told us her alternative (供选择的) ending, it still left us hanging (悬而未决的) and trying to imagine what might happen, "Sheppard told Ames Tribune.In fact, the video talk is just part of the school's annual reading project. It...
1. The ending of the book was what I wanted for her: live happily ever after. Still,①②③deep in my heart, I knew that this couldn't be so.④⑤ A. sometimes B. seldom C. often D. always(1)请选出本题的正确答案:(2)不定项选择,请选出空格处的答题线索: ...
Each of these acquires a new and enriched meaning when considered as a form of beginning things rather than ending them. They also happen to be foundational concerns in sociological thought. Sociology, The Morning Star reminded me, need not be so mundane after all, and that is because the ...
24. What drove the author to read The Wild Robot? A. Its tragic ending. B. Henry's tearful recommendation. C. Its attractive cover. D. Henry's emotional response to it. 25. What is one theme of The Wild Robot Protects? A. Family...
Reconciliation after Terrorism brings together scholars from the hitherto disparate fields of terrorism and reconciliation studies, in order to examine whether reconciliation is a possible strategy for dealing with and ending a terrorist conflict. Although terrorist activities often play a role in situations...
The answer they received was that “it's good for you guys to create your own ending."Caitlynne Sheppard is happy with the answer. “Even though she gave us an ending in the book and told us her alternative (供选择的)ending, it still left us hanging and trying to imagine what might ...
1. The ending of the book was what I wanted for her: live happily ever after. Still,①②③deep in my heart, I knew that this couldn't be so.④⑤ A. sometimes B. seldom C. often D. always(1)请选出本题的正确答案:(2)不定项选择,请选出空格处的答题线索: ...