加速康复外科(Enhanced Recovery After Surgery, 简称ERAS) 快速康复理念是指在循证医学的基础上,通过术前、术中和术后各种有效的手段和方法,减少患者围手术期的应激反应,降低术后并发症,减轻患者心理负担,缩短住院时间,减少住院费用及促进功能恢复,从而促进患者术后快速恢复。在各个专科疾病的围手术期中应用快速康复理...
加速康复外科(enhanced recovery after surgery, ERAS)是丹麦的Kehlet教授在上世纪九十年代提出,随后由2001年成立的ERAS协会不断优化和完善。ERAS是通过多模式,多学科的方式,在围手术期采用一系列经循证医学证实的有效的优化处理措施,以减轻患者治疗过程中生理和心理方面的应激,其根本目的是让患者平稳的渡过围手术期并...
Enhanced recovery after surgery in pancreatic surgery: Initial experience in a high volume center - Pancreatology
Surgery and recovery can take a lot out of you. The amount of time it will take to recover from surgery varies from person to person. Factors that influence your timeline for healing include the type of surgery, your overall health, your support system, and your motivation to recover. What...
1997年,Kehlet教授首次提出加速康复外科(enhanced recovery after surgery,ERAS)的概念;2007年,黎介寿院士首次将加速康复外科的理念引进到了中国。目前、加速康复外科在国内外诸多外科领域均获得了很好的研究进展与推广,临床研究表明加速康复外科以病人为中心,以循证医学为依据,外科、麻醉、护理、营养、理疗等请多学科的参...
If you've had surgery on your belly, heart, lung, or spine, your doctor may give you exercises to help your lungs recover from anesthesia, the medicine that kept you pain-free during the operation. "Doing breathing exercises is very, very important," Whiteson says. It expands your lungs...
Curpad, S.Parveen, S.Elsevier Ireland LtdEuropean Journal of Obstetrics & GynecologyEnhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS)in obstetrics in Royal Gwent Hospital. L Pilkington,S Curpad,S Parveen. European Journal of Obstetrics&Gynecology . 2016...
It is worth mentioning that during Xiaofang’s emergency rescue on October 17th, 2023, Prof. Freude, an international trauma expert, Head of the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, University Medical Center PMU Salzburg, Austria, and the President-Elect of the Austrian Society of Surgery fo...
It’s been a hard week–I hope you are doing okay. Here’s to better times for all of us. And dogs who recover from surgery smoothly and easily. We’d all love to hear how recovery has gone for your dog, or your client’s dogs. (And I’d love to hear from more veterinarians...
BEIJING -- China will conduct a trial run of the enhanced recovery after surgery program at a select number of hospitals from 2019 to 2020, according to a circular issued by the National Health Commission. The move is part of the country's efforts to promot...