This lemon juice can also act on its own as a treatment for constipation after stomach flu. The citric acid in the lemons not only acts as a bowel stimulant, it can also flush out any toxins or undigested food that may have accumulated inside the colon. Lemon juice tastes quite strong, ...
more like my food is just sitting there longer than it used too. I'm not sure if it's a big problem or a minor problem or lasting effects of the stomach flu because i have never had the stomach flu before. I am just worried it is something more serius. Please help me, i would ...
An isolated instance of diarrhea might be the result of food poisoning, the stomach flu or other acute digestive conditions. If you experience diarrhea for more than three days or notice blood in your stool, call your doctor.
The “sick” feeling can be described as like you have a touch of the stomach flu, like you are on the verge of getting a cold, like you have cold (chills) and hot sweats (flushes), like your body feels sore and achy, or like your overall body feels unwell. ...
Enjoying Christmas holiday with family and friends doesn’t have to equalgaining weightandgetting fat! You still have enough time until Christmas to come up with a plan and rethink your way of handling delicious food over the winter holidays – all in the name of enjoying yourself and not gai...
I got tire d easily an d I often caught colds or the flu. Eventually, my stomachache was so b a d that it drove me to the emergency room.After hearing the doctor's warning, I knew I h a d no choice. I stoppe d working late into the night, which gave me more time to relax...
(CBS DETROIT) –State officials have suspended the child care license of Antioch Church of God in Christ in Detroit, in response to numerous building and food issues they say were found during an inspection. "It was critical to take emergency action to protect the health, welfare and safety ...
First of all, people need to chew their food properly. If people wish to reduce the amount of noises coming out of their stomach, they need to chew the food enough. In addition to this, people may consider drinking warm mint tea after meals since this herb is capable of relaxing the bo...
Painful cramps, nausea and vomiting were some of the symptoms some attendees experienced after attending a food festival held to celebrate Southern California's best restaurants. Mark Kapczynski was one of the 80 people who became sick after a norovirus outbreak. ...
I got tire d easily an d I often caught colds or the flu. Eventually, my stomachache was so b a d that it drove me to the emergency room.After hearing the doctor's warning, I knew I h a d no choice. I stoppe d working late into the night, which gave me more time to relax...