after-school Thesaurus af·ter·school (ăf′tər-sko͞ol′) adj.oftenafter-school 1.Taking place immediately following school classes:afterschool activities. 2.Of or being a program designed to provide care for and educational enhancement to children in the hours immediately following school...
根据文中句子Japanese students learn origami at school. Every student knows how to make a few things. 日本学生在学校学习折纸。每个学生都知道如何做一些东西。答案为at school。【小题5】句意:学生可以在微机室玩学习游戏,学习发送电子邮件。根据文中句子Students can play learning games there . They can ...
After School - Diva(Japanese Version) 是在优酷播出的音乐高清视频,于2011-12-26 06:23:20上线。视频内容简介:After School - Diva(Japanese Version)
Of the 143979 characters on Anime Characters Database, 13 are from the 动画 After-School Hanako-kun.
In Japan, almost all the middle school students play a part in after-school activities. Japanese students choose what they like to join, such as a sports team, a musical or art group and a science club. Baseball clubs are the most popular among boys. And more and more students choose to...
Of the 144026 characters on Anime Characters Database, 4 are from the h-game After School Secret 2.
Japanese schools have many different after-school clubs for the students. Here are some popular club activi-ties in Japanese schools.Baseball is the most popular sport in Japan. The rules of the game in Japan are the same as the rules in America.Many children play baseball at school.Ping-po...
Japanese Policy for After-School Programs: Education through School-Community Collaborationsdoi:10.3224/ijree.v6i2.09ACADEMIC achievementEDUCATIONAL changeSCHOOLSCURRICULUMCULTUREFuyuko KanefujiInternational Journal for Research on Extended Education
Encore Vol.53 After School Beautiful Japanese School Girl Gone Wild: Miina Minamoto: With Miina Minamoto.
B In Japan, almost all middle school students take part in after-school activities.Japanese students choose what they like to do, such as a sports team, a musical or art group and a science club.Baseball clubs are the most popular among boys. And more and more students choose to go to...