Professional cleaning and inspection service Complimentary Resize# First time complimentary Replace cord (new cord included) First time complimentary Other services specified in the ‘2. Service Charges’ tables First-time service is complimentary within the first year from the date of purchase *If add...
Professional cleaning and inspection service Complimentary Resize# First time complimentary Replace cord (new cord included) First time complimentary Other services specified in the ‘2. Service Charges’ tables First-time service is complimentary within the first year from the date of purchase *If add...
In the event that your Product is abandoned, we may dispose of your Product in accordance with applicable provisions of law, and, specifically, may sell your Product at a private or public sale to pay for any outstanding After-Sales Maintenance Service performed. We reserve our statutory and ...
Define After Event. Cleanings - Scheduled in advance, a cleaning service will come in and clean up after the event for an additional fee of $250. This will include all of the services listed above plus cleaning up after the party, including breaking down
· Right to opt-out of the sale of your Personal Information.You have the right to opt out of the sale of your Personal Information. While we never exchange personal information for money or other consideration, the CCPA’s definition of “sale” is very broad and may include the use of...
The meaning of AFTER-TAX is remaining after payment of taxes and especially of income tax. How to use after-tax in a sentence.
Define aftersun. aftersun synonyms, aftersun pronunciation, aftersun translation, English dictionary definition of aftersun. n a. a moisturizing lotion applied to the skin to soothe sunburn and avoid peeling b. : aftersun lotion. Collins English Dictiona
Define afterswarm. afterswarm synonyms, afterswarm pronunciation, afterswarm translation, English dictionary definition of afterswarm. n a secondary swarm of bees which leaves the colony after the main swarm has left, in the company of a virgin queen Col
· Right to opt-out of the sale of your Personal Information. You have the right to opt out of the sale of your Personal Information. While we never exchange personal information for money or other consideration, the CCPA’s definition of “sale” is very broad and may include the use of...
After-Sales Service After-Sales Service After-Sales Services After-Sales Services after-school after-school After-School and Out-of-School Time After-School Care Program After-School Programs and Activities after-schoolly after-schoolly after-sensation ...