Compromised wound healing is an important side effect of radiation therapy. The current body of literature comprises a large number of studies investigating the molecular, cellular and clinical effects of compromised wound healing as well as current and possible future therapeutic strategies. Many of ...
Side effects:You may experience various side effects from radiation therapy, especially around the treatment area. Your radiation oncologist and radiation therapists will help you cope with these side effects and, if needed, prescribe medication to help you manage them better. ...
If you decide to receive radiation treatment for your particular cancer condition,educate yourself about the side effects and risks of the procedure beforehand. Also, be aware of specific actions you can take after your course of treatment is over to reduce the long-term effects of radiation on ...
Eliminating the delayed side effects caused by radiation therapy will significantly improve the quality of life of patients with malignant brain tumor and reduce the social burden. Therefore, the study of the pathogene-sis and treatment of cognitive dysfunction after radiation therapy is of great ...
The role of radiation therapy in the management of pituitary adenomas remains controversial among endocrinologists. If radiation therapy is generally accepted in cases of obvious regrowth of a nonfunctioning pituitary adenoma remnant years after surgery if there are no further surgical options, its place...
Although carcinogenesis is a well-known late side effect of ionizing radiation, development of malignant glioma in patients who have received low dose superficial radiation many years ago for the treatment of tinea capitis has been rarely reported. This is a case report of a patient with glioblasto...
69This technique is superior to external beam therapy in that it lessens the risk of radiation-induced liver disease.10One advantage of radioembolization over TACE is that the spheres are smaller. Thus, they are not truly embolic to the hepatic arterial supply, which limits the risk of ischemic...
How effective is radiation therapy for leukemia? How does lung cancer cause death? How to prevent lung cancer from spreading What are the side effects of radiation for pancreatic cancer? How does beta radiation kill cancer cells? What happens to the cells in bladder cancer?
Radiation therapy with an average of 42 Gy (range 30-50 Gy) was initiated concurrently at 2 Gy/(fraction · d) on the first day of the initial cycle of chemotherapy. Patients receiving induction therapy underwent surgical resection of the residual tumor at the primary site and vestiges on ...
Overall survival in patients with high-risk locoregionally advanced OPSCC is low; in the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group 0129 trial reported by Ang et al.[9], these patients demonstrated a 3-year overall survival rate of 46.2% following concurrent chemoradiotherapy, compared with 93% in a low...