Because of the large volume of meals prepared and served at 1 time, meals are brought out on hot carts and served to cadets at each of the tables. From a logistics standpoint, this approach takes preparation and planning to ensure proper food handling and desirable, appealing meals. Currently...
The literature was searched on PubMed on 15 January 2023 using (((vaccine) OR (vaccination) OR (after vaccination) OR (post vaccination)) AND ((COVID-19) OR (COVID) OR (SARS-CoV-2))) AND ((retinal vein occlusion) OR (retinal venous occlusion)). Titles and abstracts were screened....
Intensive care medicine Volume: 34 ISSN: 0342-4642 ISO Abbreviation: Intensive Care Med Publication Date: 2008 Sep10748568 - Relationships among student and graduate caring ability and professional schoolclimate. Recommendations for end-of-life care in the intensive care unit: the ethics committeeof ...