Transbronchial biopsy after lung transplantation: Reply to the Editordoi:10.1016/S0022-5223(19)36669-3Vaughn A. StarnesJames TheodoreJournal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Complications after CT-guided needle biopsy through aerated versus nonaerated lung. Findings in patients who underwent computed tomography (CT)-guided percutaneous needle biopsy (n = 131) of lung are described. In those in whom the needle ......
Get a better understanding of your lung cancer diagnosis. Discover the different types of lung cancer, how it develops, and your options for care.
sex, body mass index (BMI), height, diseases that necessitated transplantation, preexisting pulmonary hypertension (assessed by echocardiography or invasive right heart catheterization), smoking status, prior thoracic surgery (either lung biopsy or lobectomy), preoperative...
Hepatic vein lesions in alcoholic liver disease: retrospective biopsy and necropsy study. Obliteration of the terminal hepatic venules with perivenular fibrosis (phlebosclerosis) is a well recognised feature in alcoholic liver disease. Veno-occl... AD Burt,RN Macsween - 《Journal of Clinical ...
To evaluate the incidence and risk factors of pneumothoraces requiring prolonged maintenance of a chest tube following CT-guided percutaneous lung biopsy in a retrospective, single-centre case series. All patients undergoing CT-guided percutaneous lung biopsies between June 2012 and May 2014 who requir...
Prospective Evaluation of Aspiration Needle, Cutting Needle, Transbronchial, and Open Lung Biopsy in Patients with Pulmonary Infiltrates Twenty consecutive patients with pulmonary infiltrates undiagnosed by routine, noninvasive methods were entered into a prospective study designed to evaluate the diagnostic yi...
Preoperative Bronchial Cytology for the Assessment of Tumor Spread Through Air Spaces in Lung Adenocarcinoma Resection Specimens BACKGROUND: Tumor spread through air spaces (STAS), a significant prognostic indicator, has been described recently as a pattern of invasion in pulmonary c... MA Medina,AM...
J Wound Care, 32 (Sup8) (2023) Google Scholar E336 S. Zheng, Q. Shi, Q. Ma, Q. Fu, K. Qiao The short-term outcomes for the early removal of pigtail catheter drainage within 24 hours of uniportal video-assisted anatomic surgery in patients with lung cancer Transl Cancer Res, 11 (...
Implications for patient care: While no suggested delays can be recommended, knowing the uptake patterns post-interventions will help imaging doctors to interpret FAPI-PET/CT studies. Supplementary Information Below is the link to the electronic supplementary material. Supplementary file1 (DOCX 1.94 MB...