In this deeply unsettling horror thriller, Anna (Christina Ricci) awakens in a morgue after a car crash and is convinced by mysterious mortician Eliot that she is hovering between life and death. Eliot then tells Anna he can guide her to the afterlife, but first she must accept her fate. ...
After.Life 涅瓦纳 评论身后事 2011-07-26 10:33:49 安娜(克里斯蒂娜•里奇 Christina Ricci 饰)是一次车祸的幸存者,然而她惊讶的发现自己已经被判定了死亡。证据是她的葬礼已经在准备中,负责人正是葬礼主管艾略特(连姆•尼森 Liam Neeson 饰)。安娜对此既不解又恐惧。因为她很清楚,葬礼的终点就是入棺...
After.Life 确实是不错的一片,众多细节都表明女主是被活埋,但是片中也有一些模棱两可的地方, 比如小男孩jack的母亲 按照片中的意思应该是已经死了, 在jack家中的两组镜头暗指jack也有通灵能力。由此得出的结论只能是殡仪师确有通灵能力,但是长久来和死人打交道让他失去了判断生死的能力,并且条件反射般的要把人埋...
After.Lifeis directed by Agnieszka Wojtowicz-Vosloo and is rated R by the MPAA for nudity, disturbing images, language and brief sexuality. Release date: April 9, 2010. Disclosure: The studio provided free access to this movie for review purposes. For more information, please see our Ethics P...
From creator and star Ricky Gervais, the After Life TV show centers on the newly widowed Tony (Gervais). Once upon a time, Tony had a great life, but after the death of his wife, Lisa (Godliman), he decides to change up his approach to living....
在线看Best Thriller Movie | AFTER LIFE | Reevaluate.. 1小时 32分钟 50秒。20 3月 2024的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 1 — 已浏览。
Director Lisa Downs has created a cottage industry with her trips into nostalgia. She’s the force behind the “Life After” series, examining the days of fantasy moviemaking and personal drama in efforts such as “Life After Flash” and “Life After the Navigator,” and she returns with “...
Life After Life: Directed by Herbert Wise. With George Cole, Mary Wimbush, William Fox, Helen Burns. A 70 year old man gets shunned into a retirement home.
FULL REVIEW 50 The Dissolve Aug 14, 2014 The misused cast is just one of many examples of the unrealized potential of Life After Beth, a film that has good bones, but not enough meat, guts, or—most damningly for a zombie movie—brains. ...
Life After Life Edit Runtime 1h(60 min) (Brazil) Color Color Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content IMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our data Learn more about contributing Edit page More from this title Cast & crew ...