in a small number of people, the lensmay undergo age-related changes. Such changes may cause a person to develop blurry vision after a few years of LASIKsurgery.
However, if they aren’t careful, this corneal flap might cause complications during LASIK aftercare. Water in their eyes could increase the chances of infections. It might also leave them with blurry vision and other post-operative issues following refractive surgery. For this reason, patients sho...
The patient came to our attention lamenting blurry vision, decreased visual acuity, and photophobia. Ophthalmologic examination revealed bilateral interstitial keratitis, also known as \\u201csands of Sahara\\u201d, a seldom-seen complication of LASIK characterized by fine and diffuse granular ...
Whether in patients who previously had LASIK or in unoperated eyes, the most common cause of poor vision after cataract surgery is unrecognized preoperative basement membrane dystrophy. It is important to do a careful preoperative examination for this condition. If you find central basement membrane ...
2006: LASIK performed elsewhere 2015: Complaints of blurry distance vision Manifest refraction (MR) OD: -1.50 -2.00 x 93º = 20/25+ MR OS: -4.75 -4.00 x 82º = 20/30- 2+ nuclear sclerotic (NS) cataract OD; 3+ NS cataract OS Keratometry readings (Ks): 40.00/42.00@22º Ks:...
months later. At the subsequent visit, his vision and exam were unchanged except for trace folds in the posterior capsule. The patient did not want to wear glasses; therefore, he was told to return to his surgeon to discuss surgical correction with PRK/LASIK, IOL exchange, or piggyback...