Roh*_*ali 6 css tailwind-css .card { position: relative; background-color: grey; display: block; width: 300px; min-height: 90px; cursor: pointer; padding: 15px; margin: calc(50vh - 30px) auto 0 auto; } .card::before { content: ''; position: absolute; left: -5px; top: -...
after:scale-x-0 after:border-b-4 after:transition-all after:duration-500 after:ease-in-out ...
你好 tailwindcss 的宗旨是让我们不需要再去写 css 了。那么既然如此,就没有必要使用 before 或者 after 呀。 1 回复 提问者 拧壶冲 #1 我看了下官方文档。before,...
I’m trying to add tailwindcss after adding tailwind to the project I have gotten that exception Use process(css).then(cb) to work with async plugins after performing npm run dev the exception belongs to css-modules-require-hook and by googling that exception I found that css-modules-...
<!-- ... --> Learn more about using variants in thevariants documentation. Copyright © 2025 Tailwind Labs Inc.·Trademark Policy
I am using the @nuxtjs/tailwindcss package in the nuxtjs project and I wanted to add to the postCSS plugin also px-to-rem plugin ( I can't correctly setup the order of the postCSS plugins in nuxt.config.js. My setup of nuxt.config.js: ...
Filters out classes from the wind instance that are subtypes of the classes in the input string. .toString() Returns a string of Tailwind CSS classes. Roadmap Add CSS conflict detection Add support for nesting classes Enable specifying modifiers for a group of classes ...
找不到模块“tailwindcss” Anaconda找不到模块 找不到pytest模块 页面内容是否对你有帮助? 有帮助 没帮助 相关·内容 文章(6778) 问答(9999+) 视频(0) 沙龙(0) 1回答 找不到模块:date-fns/is_after 、、、 我的package.json conatins "date-fns":"^2.0.0-beta.4“。它说找不到模块。
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After installing the prettier config for Astro, I had an error saying I had an error in my package.json file, on a line that didn’t actually exist in such file.Turned out I had an empty tailwind.config.js and adding two empty curly brackets fixed the issue:...