After-Hours TradingAfter-Hours Trading Definition After-hours trading refers to stock trading outside the traditional trading hours of the major exchanges, such as the New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq Stock Market. The traditional or regular trading hours have been for some time from 9:30...
off hours 【计】 间断时间 horse trading n. 讨价还价;争论工作分配 after 【前缀】 (构成形容词)表示"...之后的"(如:an after-dinner speech一篇餐后讲话, after-tax profit税后利润) there in after 【法】 在下文, 在下文中 over trading 交易过量;过度交易商人交易的数量超过其资力所能负担者,...
After-hours trading is something traders or investors can use if news breaks after the close of the stock exchange. In some cases, the news, such as an earnings release, may prompt an investor to either buy or sell ...
盘后交易(After-Hours Trading)是指美国的证券市场在下午四点收市之后继续进行股票的买卖。 美国的盘后交易开始于一些 …|基于127个网页 2. 交易后时段 不要在交易后时段(after-hours trading)入场,此时价格波动很小,没有获利良机。 三重交易系统升级版 如果你每天可以下载交 … ...
美股盘后交易(After-hours trading)指的是什么?
秦川英语词汇量(757) 757, after-hours trading 【经济】 盘后交易:指在正常交易时间之外进行的股票、期货等金融产品的交易。 After-hours trading allows investors to react quickly to breaking news and ev…
after hour tradingstructural var modelThis article investigates price and trading volume relations for near term crude oil contracts at the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX). The study investigates the informativeness of after-hours trading under the prior assumption that daytime and after-hours ...
After-hours trading risks & SEC advice You do need to consider the potential risks that come with after-hours trading; after all, you are bending the rules a little. For one thing, you’re generally dealing with low liquidity. If you need to close out a position fast, you might not ha...
To trade stocks after hours, you need to have an account with abrokerage firmthat offers after-hours trading. Not all brokerage firms offer this service; check with your broker to see if they provide after-hours trading. In addition, each brokerage firm that offers after-hours trading may ha...
Most investors know that the major stock exchanges have standard trading hours—set periods each day when trading occurs through the exchange. TheNew York Stock Exchange (NYSE)andNasdaqin the United States trade regularly from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern time, with the first trade in the...