Why It’s Helpful for Runners:In this type of forward fold, the stretch is centered in the middle of your hamstrings. The longer you hang out in this stretch—spend more than three breaths, and less than three minutes—the more likely you are to counteract some of the tightness your runn...
and previously for the Rock 'n' Roll Half-Marathon and Tri-Rock Triathlon in Philadelphia. He is a director of the running and endurance Sports Medicine Program at Penn Medicine. Dr. Vasudevan provides non-operative management of musculoskeletal conditions affecting athletes and active individuals of...
Cheri says she hopes that her story can help prevent others from needing a hip replacement after an ankle fusion. She has heard from orthopedic surgeons that muscle support is the best thing you can do for your joints, and she knows now that this is true. According to WebMD, the best...
I find the resistance often comes in disguise… so it’s good to take time to understand what’s really going on… For instance, I may want to spend time on longer-term planning or figuring things out because I’m afraid of having an sales conversation (I just became aware that was go...
Just recently a good friend and patient fell and broke his hip. The total replacement was relatively successful and he can walk fairly well, but the poor man has lost his marbles. It is tragic seeing such a once vibrant man falling apart; worse, he knows it is happening and that he pro...
Although such passive precipitation might indeed contribute to tumor-like soft tissue calcifications in dialysis patients (an example of severe periarticular calcifications in the hip region of a dialysis patient imaged by skeletal scintigraphy is shown in Figure 2), recent in vitro studies suggest ...
Muller M, Tohtz S, Springer I, Dewey M, Perka C (2010) Randomized controlled trial of abductor muscle damage in relation to the surgical approach for primary total hip replacement: minimally invasive anterolateral versus modified direct lateral approach. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. doi:10.1007/s00402...
A short and unsuccessful career is coming to an end. Honda has recently announced that, after just four years on the market, the Honda e is being withdrawn from European sale. This should hardly come as a surprise to industry observers as sales of the sm
–I had tried conservative treatment, but I think the issue with this is that long-term it is hard to sustain as your muscles naturally weaken with age; maybe one option would be very regular conservative treatment, pain meds, then a knee replacement – but it’s hard to get the latter...
In my case, I was adamant that the bike frame be replaced. Had I ever wanted to resell the bike, I’d otherwise have to declare that not only had it been in a crash – but had crashed with a car. Cervelo’s policy is simply replacement when any motor vehicle is involved, so I ...