After my webcam footage was converted into "constant framerate", I imported the new webcam footage into Adobe Premiere and everything was in sync at last! I hope this helps anyone who has had the same problem. For my problem, it was my webcam's visual that was getting out o...
Machine Properties: Machine name: EESWT027 Machine processor count: 2 OS version: Windows Server 2012 OS service pack: OS region: Deutschland OS language: Deutsch (Deutschland) OS architecture: x64 Process architecture: 32 Bit OS clustered: No...
Languages: Français | Deutsch Donec et orci aliquet nisl suscipit molestie sed sit amet tortor. Duis vel urna ac mi sollicitudin lacinia mollis sit amet lorem. Sed finibus erat nec libero scelerisque fringilla. Morbi at orci sed urna vulputate vulputate. Nul...
I use the media browser to import everything. You can shift select in there or you can just drag directly to the timeline. You can even create Bins in the Project panel, open the bin and drag assets directly from the Media Browser directly to the bin. B...
Machine Properties: Machine name: EESWT027 Machine processor count: 2 OS version: Windows Server 2012 OS service pack: OS region: Deutschland OS language: Deutsch (Deutschland) OS architecture: x64 Process architecture: 32 Bit OS clustered: No...
I just installed it and everything went fine. Thank you for your help. VektorPixel Thursday, May 11, 2017 9:27 PM Are you running any anti-virus/malware program on your machine? I don't know anything about that registry key, but not the failure makes me think of an over-zealous regi...
These people are not your allies they are not the same as us, they come from an inferior culture that is horrible, it kills people for their identity, and it is directly antithetical to everything Western values stand for and it is an inferior culture in all ways. The comments were immed...