Color Emboss →彩色浮雕 Emboss →浮雕 Find Edges →查找边缘 Glow 辉光 Mosaic →马赛克 Motion Tile →动态平铺 Posterize →招贴画 Roughen Edges →粗糙边缘 Scatter →散射 Strobe Light →闪光灯 Texturize →材质纹理 Threshold →阈值 Synthetic Aperture ←SA Color Finesse 2 文字←Text ┗Numbers →编号 ...
文字←Text 时间←Time 切换←Transition 视频←Video Compostion菜单 新建合成←New Composition 合成设置←Compodition Settings 背景颜色←Background Color 设置海报←Set Poster Time 修剪合成适配工作区域←Trim Comp to Work Area 裁切合成适配自定区域←Crop Comp to Region of Interest ...
示例:myTextLayer.sourceRectAtTime().width。effect(name) 返回类型:效果。 参数类型:name 是一个字符串。 After Effects 在“效果控件”面板中按照名称查找效果。名称可以是默认名称或者用户定义的名称。如果多个效果具有相同名称,则会使用最接近“效果控件”面板顶层的效果。示例: effect("Fast Blur")("...
70、se 绘画 Paint 透视 Perspective 渲染 Render 仿真 Simulation 风格化 Stylize 文字 Text 时间 Time 切换 Transition 视频 VideoCompostion菜单新建合成 New Composition 合成设置 Compodition Settings &# 71、160; 背景颜色 Background Color 设置海报 Set Poster Time修剪合成适配工作区域 Trim Comp to Work Area...
Browse through the latest top features in After Effects beta and learn more about how to incorporate them into your animation workflows.
1. Using the Text Animation Presets Step 1:Open a new project on After effects. Select Composition and create a new composition of 1920 * 1080 pixels. Step 2:Go to LAYER and create a new solid layer. Step 3:Take a Layer with Yellow color background ...
退出After Effects软件。快捷键为Ctrl + Q键。如果当前项目未保存, 26、会弹出对话框提示保存。Layer(层)菜单Layer(层)菜单如图4所示。1 New(新建)在合成的时间线窗口中新建多种类型的层。包含Text(文字)、Solid(固态层)、Light(灯光)、Camera(摄像机)、Null Object(空物体)、Adjustment Layer(调节层)及Adobe ...
Text Position时间码显示位置。 Text Size时间码字号。 Text Color时间码颜色。 #p#e# 六, 今天主要是把Perspective特效方面的整理出来了!! Perspective用于制作各种透视效果,在简单的三维环境中放置图像,可以增加深度和调节Z轴。这部分效果是从 After Effects 4.0以后加入的,由此可见After Effects正向三维合成努力。但...
Text and Graphics Drawing, Painting, and Paths Layers, Markers, and Camera Animation, Keyframes, Motion Tracking, and Keying Transparency and Compositing Adjusting color Effects and Animation Presets Expressions and Automation Immersive video, VR, and 3D Views and Previews Rendering and ...
I made a group with a background color, then made static text on top of that group, just as you suggested. But then I simply made a button on top of the group, and added this: myButton.onDraw = function(){ // Do nothing. Don't draw the button. } Even though the button ...