●“New Premiere Pro Sequence”(新建Premiere Pro序列):启动Premiere Pro软件,并新建一个序列,在Premiere Pro中对此序列的操作可以实时反映在Adobe After Effects CS5软件中,实现两个软件的协同操作,弥补Adobe After Effects CS5软件在剪辑方面的不足。●“Import Premiere Pro Sequence”(导入Premiere Pro序列):启动...
Quickly navigate your After Effects timeline like a pro. Here are some essential timeline shortcuts for After Effects.
11、t 模拟输出Show Rulers 显示标尺Show Guides 显示参考线Snap to Guides 对齐到参考线Lock Guides锁定参考线Clear Guides 清除参考线Show Grid 显示网络Snap to Grid 对齐到网络View options 视图选项Show layer Controls 显示图层控件Reset 3D View 重置3D 视图Switch 3D view 切换3D视图Assign Shortcut to “Acti...
Reset“All Panels”→重置“标准”工作区 分配快捷键给“标准”工作区→Assign Shortcut to “All Panels” Workspace 对齐←Align 音频←Audio 画笔←Brushes 字符调板 ←Character 效果和预置←Effects &Presets 信息调板 ←Info 智能遮罩插值 ←Mask Interpolation 元数据←Metadata 动态草图 ←Motion Sketc 绘画←...
To duplicate layers: use CMD + D on Mac or CTRL + D on Win.This is probably the most commonly used After Effects keyboard shortcut, as it allows you to quickly duplicate your selected layer. To trim layer in and out points to the current time indicator: ...
Saving custom keyboard shortcut setsYou can modify the shortcuts and save them using the Save As button.GeneralResult Windows macOS Select all Ctrl + A Command + A Deselect all F2 or Ctrl + Shift + A F2 or Command + Shift + A Rename selected layer, composition, folder, effect, ...
Go to end of composition, layer, or footage item End End Set beginning of work area to current time B B Set end of work area to current time N N Trim In point of selected layers to current time [ [ Trim Out point of selected layers to current time ...
Split Layer edit. It will automatically trim your clip to its target frame; just position your timeline indicator where you wish to cut. Use either page up/down keys to move playhead frame by frame, or the Ctrl + Shift + D (Windows)/ Cmd + Right/Left Arrows (Mac) keyboard shortcut....
剪切← Cut 复制← Copy 粘贴← Paste 清楚← Clear 副本← Duplicate 分层图层← Split Layer 抽出工作区域← Lift Work Area 挤压工作区域← Extrace Work Area 选择全部← Select All 全部取消← Deselect All 标签← Label 清空← Pruge ┗All →全部 ...
When you trim a layer based on moving source footage, you affect which frames of the source footage item are shown in the layer – the first frame to appear is at the In point, and the last frame to appear is at the Out point. Trimming a layer doesn’t cut frames from the footage...