●“New Premiere Pro Sequence”(新建Premiere Pro序列):启动Premiere Pro软件,并新建一个序列,在Premiere Pro中对此序列的操作可以实时反映在Adobe After Effects CS5软件中,实现两个软件的协同操作,弥补Adobe After Effects CS5软件在剪辑方面的不足。●“Import Premiere Pro Sequence”(导入Premiere Pro序列):启动...
Double-Up.jsx Find and Replace Text.jsx Render and Email.jsx Scale Composition.jsx Scale Selected Layers.jsx Smart Import.jsx Sort Layers by In Point.jsx Update Legacy Expressions.jsx UpgradeLegacyBlurs.jsx 创建代理 静止图像... 影片... 设置代理(Y) 为所选素材项设置代理 Ctrl+Alt+P 无 解释...
1.算法程序 AfterEffect(AE)插件是Adobe公司开发的特效制作软件,稳定快速的功能和特效,在视频制作领域使用非常广泛,本文向大家介绍如何在项目里进行 合成放大缩小功能。源代码如下所示:{ // Scale Composition…
源代码如下所示: {// Scale Composition.jsx/// This script scales the active comp and all the layers within it./// First, it prompts the user for a scale_factor, a new comp width,// or a new comp height./// Next, it scales the comp and all the layers within it, including// ca...
This keyboard shortcut will scale our text layers to the width of our composition. As you can see, everything lined up perfectly. Step 7 Lastly, select the Shape Layer and delete it. I hope you found this After Effects Tip useful. You can check out all of our Tips on our website. ...
Close the Scale Composition window. Open the "_4k" Comp and inspect the image quality while at Full Resolution. Shape Layers should appear as good as they did before the Scale being doubled. PSD files may need to have the Scale parameter set back to the same as it was in...
The issue is, this is pre-made motion graphic, where all of it's effects, shapes, everything is made to come from it's original left to right motion. I tried the whole distort - transform - scale - -100degrees, but that just flipped it over and messed up the characters ...
Apply complex changes to an entire composition: You can create a composition containing multiple layers, nest the composition within the overall composition, and animate and apply effects to the nested composition so that all the layers change in the same ways over the same period. Reuse anything...
Shift-drag to scale the polygon or star as you draw it, preventing rotation. (Optional) Do the following before releasing the mouse button: To add or remove points, use the Up arrow or Down arrow key or roll the mouse wheel forward or backward. To increase or decrease the outer roundness...
Add an adjustment layer above the currently selected layer to break the 3D space of After Effects. If no layers are selected the adjustment layer will be added at the top.Add Camera With Controller (v1.1)Add a camera and 3D null as a controller to the current composition....