Digital Film Tools Composite Suite 3.0 Camera Flash(与Buena Effect Essentials的同名插件类似,过度曝光效果) Color Correct(细致的调色工具,与55mm中相同) Color Paste(前景亮度与背景色彩混合的效果,不错) Composite(复杂的层操作工具,大量参数可调) Deartifact(反锯齿,效果不明显) Defocus(散焦效果,与55mm中相同)...
After Effects 表达式之力——JS引擎(1) After Effects 表达式之力——充分发挥After Effect的潜能 原作者:弗朗索瓦·列斐伏尔 关于作者 弗朗索瓦·列斐伏尔是一位居住于纽约的运动图形艺术家。凭借十余年的行业经验,其完美、独特的风格跟随他在谷歌、亚马逊、耐克、漫威、贝宝和WWE等著名公司树立品牌。他的专业知识涵盖...
After Effects王牌插件汇总(不断完善) Adobe After Effects CC 2015 AE主要依赖插件工作,AE插件博大精深,在这儿选一些可能用到的列出来: VideoCopilot系列插件: Heat Distortion 热浪变形紊乱插件 插件特点: 1、 Realistic Heat Noise 真实热浪噪波 2、 Image Distortion 画面失真 3、 Heat Haze 热气 4、 Advanced ...
Perspective 用于制作各种透视效果,在简单的三维环境中放置图像,可以增加深度和调节Z轴。这部分效果是从 After Effects 4.0以后加入的,由此可见After Effects正向三维合成努力。但它不像 Discreet Logic Effect*那样从根本上集成了三维合成,而且包括灯光、摄像机以及画面产生各种光感的效果。Perspective只提供了基本的三维环境...
Repeat steps1,2, and3a few times. If the memory usage as noted in step 3 keeps increasing, you have an effect in your project that keeps consuming memory without releasing it back to the system. Remove a suspect effect and restart After Effects. ...
找好我们想要的背景音乐,根据模板的长短,剪辑出我们想要的长度。 处理过程: 1.根据音乐的节拍,对音乐进行标记(右键——标记或快捷键键盘上的数字键进行标记) 2.根据模板的长短,将我们标记好的小节或者节拍进行分割组合(可用快捷键 ATL + [ / ] 进行左右分割),注意需要根据工作区域的开头结尾来进行分割 ...
Repeat step 2 until you are ready to complete the path. Complete the path by doing one of the following: To close the path, place the pointer over the first vertex, and when a closed circle icon appears next to the pointer, select the vertex. You can also close a path by double-...
Restarting after effects and trying to open the file again will generate a new error, but probably with a different effect, always random. Trying to open the same file after the preloading workaround will succeed, because the .aep file is not actually damaged. Now, here is som...
20、le(水波纹) Sphere(模拟球体贴图) Sphere Transition(球面转场效果,少见) Twirl(旋转扭曲) Vector Displacement(三方向矢量贴图替换变形) Wave(波浪扭曲) Z Space I & II & III(正确的支持多个三维特技层,各版本在可控制句柄/形状/光效上有所不同) 3.Effects Alpha Pixel Noise(Alpha通道噪点,可以用来做转...