PowerDirector is the best Adobe After Effects alternative because it offers quality motion graphics and animation effects that professionals will appreciate and beginners will find easy to use. It is the complete editing package with all the tools you need to start and finish a VFX-heavy video. ...
Cause every composition within the current project to maintain nested frame rate. Corresponds to the value of thePreserve frame rate when nested or in render queueoption in theAdvancedtab of theComposition Settingsdialog box. Hold theALTkey to toggle this preference off. ...
Render效果组里包含很多特效,(4 color Gradient/Advanced Lightning/Audio Spectrum/Audio Waveform/ Beam/Cell Pattern/Ellipse/Fill/Fractal/Fractal Noise/Grid/Lens Flare/Lightning/Radio Waves /Ramp/Stroke/Vegas)十七项---没有在这里列举的是第三方插件,就不讲解了。可以创造一些原画面中没有的效果,而且这些效果...
This prevents After Effects from trying to render other frames when you drag over or past them. This technique is useful when you want to manually preview some frames you rendered using preview settings that use an option to skip every other frame....
一是简单粗暴的simple choker调节层,二是上面的百舌谷的形状层合并偏移圆角,三是先blur再提升alpha通道...
Known issue with Rotobrush on M1-based Apple computers with macOS 11 Issue:After Effects crashes when you use Rotobrush on an M1-based Apple computer running on macOS 11. Workaround:Upgrade to macOS 12 to fix this issue. If you run into any other issues, or you want to post, discuss,...
首先看看渲染模板的设置,打开“Edit/Templates/Render Settings”菜单,弹出渲染设置窗口,如图12。图12 ...
I need to render them with alpha channels, as they usually overlay onto other footage. The renders have been fine up to around yesterday, and now every single one has this weird pixellation happening across the screen. I'm not even sure if it's visible there, but it's like rows of ...
(25)“Render Queue”(渲染队列):打开或关闭“Render Queue”操作面板。 (26)“Timeline”(时间线):打开或关闭“Timeline”操作面板。 9.“Help”菜单 用户可以通过“Help”(帮助)菜单阅读Adobe After Effects CS5的帮助文件,并可以连接Adobe官方网站,寻求在线帮助等,如图2-33所示。 图2-33 “Help”菜单 菜单中...