Image sequences (except for specialist packages like cDNG) never have embedded frame rates, everyone using them has to be told what interpretation to apply. After Effects will use the system default in the preferences panel, not some value from the project. You will find it's stil...
可以选择Preferences >Import,更改Sequence Footage的默认Frames PerSecond(帧/秒)设置。在开始一个新项目时,应该首先检查该设置,以免将来再做修改。 下面两条陈述都是正确的: After Effects非常灵活,允许混合具有不同帧速率的片段,以及更改合成中已经存在的片段的帧速率。 After Effects在处理时间设置上是非常精确的。...
可以选择Preferences > Import,更改Sequence Footage的默认Frames Per Second(帧/秒)设置。在开始一个新项目时,应该首先检查该设置,以免将来再做修改。 1. 下面两条陈述都是正确的: After Effects非常灵活,允许混合具有不同帧速率的片段,以及更改合成中已经存在的片段的帧速率。 After Effects在处理时间设置上是非常精...
When Premiere Pro creates a new After Effects comp from selected footage that comp is created at the frame rate used by the sequence. It is the only thing that makes sense to do. You want to replace every frame in the sequence with the new frames...
“首选项”有很多类别可用于对After Effects CC 2015进行自定义设置,这里只列出初始化时需要调整的项目。 在“导入(Import)”类别中,将“序列素材(Sequence Footage)”的导入方式改为25帧/秒,如图1-2所示。 提示:我国电视标准是PAL-D制,帧速率为25帧/秒。
这是一本关于创建视觉特效的图书,是全球公认的最佳After Effects图书之一。书中通过真实的案例详细而深入地讲解了色彩校正、键控、转描、运动跟踪、虚拟摄像机,以及在After Effects中如何使用表达式等内容。作者将实际的制作经验与After Effects软件的基本原理相结合,旨在使用业内最核心的方法制作出一流的视觉效果,并使读...
在“导入(Import)”类别中,将“序列素材(Sequence Footage)”的导入方式改为 25 帧/秒, 如图1-2 所示。提示:我国电视标准是PAL-D制,帧速率为25帧/秒。在“媒体和磁盘缓存(MediaDisk Cache)”类别中,可以设置“磁盘缓存(Disk Cache)” 和“媒体缓存(Conformed Media Cache)”的大小和缓存文件放置的位置,如图...
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The frame rate of the final encoded movie is determined by the output module settings. Skip Existing Files Lets you rerender part of a sequence of files without wasting time on previously rendered frames. When rendering a sequence of files, After Effects locates files that are part of the ...
A movie can be made into a single output file that contains all the rendered frames, or it can be made into a sequence of still images (as you would do when creating output for a film recorder).To generate output, you can either render your compositions using the After Effects render ...