Most people who have open gastric bypass surgery quickly begin to lose weight and continue to lose weight for up to 12 months. What To Expect After SurgeryPatients are typically notified up front of the possible side effects and severe risks of the surgery, such as fatality. The patient needs...
Effect of ethnicity and gender on weight loss after gastric bypass surgeryPavankumar Patel
Energy expenditure after Roux-en- Y gastric bypass in rats Background The Mechanisms underlying weight loss maintenance after gastric bypass surgery are poorly understood. It was the aim of our study to examine the effects of gastric bypass on energy expenditure in rats. Methods Thirty male Wist....
Background Weight loss outcome predictions after gastric bypass (GBP) surgery based on individual findings have shown relatively little consistency. The present study took a more comprehensive approach, utilizing extensive pre-surgery interview and psychological test data both individually and in composite ...
This study shows that bypassing a short segment of proximal intestine directly ameliorates type 2 diabetes, independently of effects on food intake, body weight, malabsorption, or nutrient delivery to the hindgut. These findings suggest that a proximal intestinal bypass could be considered for diabetes...
Health Benefits of Gastric Bypass Surgery After 6 Years.The article presents information a research conducted for examining the association of the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery with weight loss, diabetes mellitus and other health risks after six years of surgery. The research employed a...
Although gastric bypass surgery induces rapid weight loss and ameliorates many of these risks in the short term, long-term outcomes are uncertain. OBJECTIVE: To examine the association of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery with weight loss, diabetes mellitus, and other health risks 6 years...
METHODS: A retrospective study examined veterans (N = 79) who underwent Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery from June 2004 through July 2010. Spearman's correlation and multivariate regression analysis were used to analyze data. RESULTS: A significant correlation was found between the number of ...
I read with great interest the article by Collins et al concerning the importance of using a Roux-en-Y loop after gastric bypass. I agree completely with
Recently the performance rate of one anastomosis gastric bypass (OAGB) bariatric surgery has increased. Bile reflux is on of common considered complication of OAGB challenging surgeon. Methods We searched English full text with keyword “bile reflux” AND “OAGB” OR “one anastomosis gastric bypass...