选择稳定>结果>无运动,完全移除所有摄像机运动。选择稳定>结果>平滑运动以在镜头中包含一些初始摄像机运动。 如果对结果满意,则您已完成稳定工作。如果不满意,可执行以下一个或多个步骤: 如果素材变形或扭曲程度太大,可将方法切换为位置、缩放和旋转。
After Effects 通过将每个帧上的附加点之间的距离与开始帧上的附加点之间的距离进行比较来计算缩放。在您将跟踪数据应用于目标时,After Effects 会为缩放属性创建关键帧。 当您使用平行或透视边角定位跟踪运动时,After Effects 会对图层应用可实现边角定位效果的关键帧以便根据需要缩放和倾斜目标图层,从而适合由特性区域...
AE字母效果教程 | Dots to lines to letters - Adobe After Effects tutorial 690 0 17:29 App AE简单动画教程 | After Effects Tutorial_ Motion Graphics 6899 3 05:58 App AE烟雾字幕教程 | After Effects Tutorial_ Smoke Text Effects 4172 1 17:24 App AE片头教程 | After Effects Tutorial_ How to...
You can use motion tracking to trace the movement of any element in your footage (as long as they have distinct features you can track), store the data in a Null Object and then use the Null Object to attach effect layers or control all sorts of other effects with it :) Motion trackin...
Take full control with 3D motion tracking. Control text on the X, Y, and Z axes. After Effects supports moving 3D objects or adding depth to other motion tracking effects. Control movement with a single-point tracker, two-point tracking, or customized tracking points that let you determine ...
AFTER EFFECTS FEATURES Add motion tracking to any video. Track the movement of an object in a video. Learn how to use After Effects to pin a graphical element to the object so the element moves smoothly with the camera. Free trial Buy now Make graphics that move with your video. Create ...
After Effects offers different kinds of motion tracking, such as the Point Tracker, which offers one-point, two-point, and four-point tracking. There’s also a built-in 3D Camera Tracker that allows you to reverse engineer a scene; a spline tracker that enables you to track masks on an ...
Blender’s wide-ranging capabilities also include motion tracking, 2D and 3D animation, and even particle simulation. Blender is a great free After Effects alternative because it has all the advanced motion graphics tools you’d find in the expensive Adobe software, plus basic editing tools, ...
He goes through the basics of motion tracking, as well as some advanced techniques. 09. How to move from Photoshop to After Effects Getting into motion design can seem quite intimidating, but Rob Carney's tutorial shows how many similarities there are between Adobe's motion graphics, animation...
After Effects教程 823 如果您以前从未使用过运动跟踪,请停止正在做的事情并观看本节课,因为您会喜欢这种微妙的效果! 运动跟踪文本,这是我作为电影制片人学习的第一件事。使用运动跟踪,您可以跟踪某个对象的运动并将该数据添加到另一个对象。在这种情况下,输入文字。 在本课程中, 您将学习如何通过3种不同的方式...