在Mocha AE中完成跟踪后,返回 After Effects。 在跟踪数据下的效果控件面板中,选择创建跟踪数据。 从导出选项下拉菜单中选择边角定位或变换。 将导出应用于所选图层。 使用Mocha AE 执行更多操作 要将Mocha AE图层转换为原生 After Effects 蒙版,请在遮罩下的效果控件面板中选择创建 AE 蒙版。该操作会忽略 Mocha 的...
追蹤影片中物件的移動軌跡,了解如何使用 After Effects 將圖形元素固定至物件,使該元素隨著攝影機順暢移動。 免費試用立即購買 製作隨著影片移動的圖形 製作可增強現有影片素材的動態圖形,透過動作追蹤,您可以製作隨著汽車、人物、環境效果或甚至攝影機本身順暢移動的文字、標誌或圖形。
Blender 教程 摄像机反求Motion Tracking VFXinfo官方账号 3237 播放 · 2 弹幕 【AE教程】拒绝啰嗦 最简单最全的跟踪教程! 刘改追 19.3万 播放 · 278 弹幕 【AE教程】如何在After Effects里做出光学补偿拉镜 残笑笑呀 4.6万 播放 · 26 弹幕 【AE】怎么快速跟踪物体的运动路径? 会长吃Moria 2.2万 播放...
You can use motion tracking to trace the movement of any element in your footage (as long as they have distinct features you can track), store the data in a Null Object and then use the Null Object to attach effect layers or control all sorts of other effects with it :) Motion trackin...
AFTER EFFECTS FEATURES Add motion tracking to any video. Track the movement of an object in a video. Learn how to use After Effects to pin a graphical element to the object so the element moves smoothly with the camera. Free trial Buy now Make graphics that move with your video. Create ...
After Effects教程 823 如果您以前从未使用过运动跟踪,请停止正在做的事情并观看本节课,因为您会喜欢这种微妙的效果! 运动跟踪文本,这是我作为电影制片人学习的第一件事。使用运动跟踪,您可以跟踪某个对象的运动并将该数据添加到另一个对象。在这种情况下,输入文字。 在本课程中, 您将学习如何通过3种不同的方式...
The clips however, in After Effects have been auto changed to 29.97. The "main options" in the Interpret Footage section also read: "Lower Fields First" and Remove Pulldown: wwwsw-24p Advance (photo below) When I do a "press play...
This tells After Effects we want the motion were tracking applied to the null object. Adjust your play head to where you want the tracking to begin. Zoom in if needed and move Tracking Point 1 to a desirable tracking location. Tracking Points...
After Effects offers different kinds of motion tracking, such as the Point Tracker, which offers one-point, two-point, and four-point tracking. There’s also a built-in 3D Camera Tracker that allows you to reverse engineer a scene; a spline tracker that enables you to track masks on an ...