●“New Premiere Pro Sequence”(新建Premiere Pro序列):启动Premiere Pro软件,并新建一个序列,在Premiere Pro中对此序列的操作可以实时反映在Adobe After Effects CS5软件中,实现两个软件的协同操作,弥补Adobe After Effects CS5软件在剪辑方面的不足。●“Import Premiere Pro Sequence”(导入Premiere Pro序列):启动...
Adobe Photoshop File. →Adobe Photoshop文件 图层设置 ← Layer Settings... 打开图层← Open Layer 打开图层素材← Open Layer Source 遮罩← Mask ┗New Mask → 新建遮罩 Mask Shape → 遮罩形状 Mask Feather → 遮罩羽化 Mask Opacity → 遮罩不透明度 Mask Expansion → 遮罩扩展 Reset Mask → 重置遮罩 ...
you can gain a lot of knowledge about how to create amazing effects with the help of masking. The process can be achieved with two different methods. The first method is using the Simple Regular masking technique, while the second method involves using a shape layer mask. ...
A mask is an invisible shape that tells After Effects to only pay attention to a specific section of your composition. You can use it to hide or reveal part of a layer or object. Regular masks are attached to and exist within the layer they are affecting, while Shape Layers exist as se...
(9)After Effects也可以显示一个类似Photoshop透明的棋盘格。有两个方法打开这个格子。一是选择Comp窗口右上角的展开菜单下的Checkerboard Backgrounds;二是按住Alt键,点击Comp窗口内显示渲染进度的进度条。 (10)按下Ctrl+Shift+H键,可以将Comp窗口内所有的控制符号关掉,例如Mask,移动的路径显示,层控制句柄等。再一次...
Use Layer As Map选择一个层修改粒子属性。Affects影响属性。Map Red/Green/Blue to映射粒子的 RGB...
翼狐网致力于推动CG艺术发展,为用户提供海量的CG视频教程,本节内容主要介绍AE CC基础训练教程(Lynda出品)之课时35:04_07_layermatte.
After Effects与Premiere和Photoshop可以说是姊妹篇,它在Premiere和Photoshop的基础上更进一步,有人说After Effects是动态的Photoshop,不错,它综合了影像、声音以及码科技,成为Adobe公司开发的集创建、编辑、模拟、合成动画和电影于一体的超强桌面视频编辑软件。
Turn off Red, Green, or Blue under the Advanced Blending options to exclude the respective channel from blending and prevent it from affecting how the layer interacts with the layers below. You can animate these properties, so you can exclude a channel from blending at some times but include ...
In After Effects, do one of the following to define a target for the paste operation: To create a mask, select a layer. To replace an existing mask path or shape path, select its Path property. Note: To paste a path as a shape path, you must select the Path property of an ...