You can see that all the elements in your Illustrator file are contained within one layer - Layer 1. The elements aren't layers. You need to seperate each element into individual Illustrator layers before you import to AE. Select your layer in the layer window, and use the layer menu to...
Really? So combining layers in AE is not the same as say a graphics program like Illustrator. If it is unlikely it will work then I will just go to my last saved version and start over. Thanks again for your time. Although not able to fix...
如何在 After Effects 中制作交织文本环的动画 | 动态图形 | AE教程在本教程中,您将了解如何将 3D 圆柱体与其上的纹理和版式交织在一起,而且最重要的是您将学习如何为其设置动画。这个技巧非常简单,你只需要一些不错的技巧来创建一个创造性的错字构图,并使其与 After Effects 中的 cc 圆柱体一起旋转。互锁...
本频道分享动态设计、角色动画、视觉效果视频教程。我主要使用 After Effects、Duik Bassel、Blender、Element 3D、Cinema 4D、Octane Render、3D Studio Max、Mocha、Photoshop、Illustrator、Pencil 2D 和 Premiere Pro 软件。我每天都会在频道上发布新视频!如果您有兴趣,请点击查看我的频道!
Learn about managing layers in After Effects, layer switches in the Timeline panel, and view and change layer information.
Issue:After Effects crashes when you use Rotobrush on an M1-based Apple computer running on macOS 11. Workaround:Upgrade to macOS 12 to fix this issue. If you run into any other issues, or you want to post, discuss, and be part of our knowledgeable community, visit theAfter Effects for...
Pros: After effects is like an old friend to me... which makes me sad to say it's the last major effects program that uses layers. it's a digital version of film editing and effects, from overlays, to blending and merging and cutouts and transparent layers... it was great... those...
Clean your shape layers right after importing from Adobe Illustrator In most cases when you add an asset prepared in another software and convert it into an After Effects shape, there will be some unnecessary things hidden in the layers. You can find stuff like additional merge paths or groups...
Discover how to create, light, and animate a 3D scene using Adobe After Effects. Learn the essentials of working with 3D layers, adding cameras and lights, moving layers in 3D space, and finalizing text. Key Insights The tutorial guides learners through the process of creating a 3D scene ...
of the 3D space. The important thing is thatall new layers you addto the image in the backgroundappear to be closerto the spectator than thepoint in the backgroundimage the ‘camera’ is zooming on. AddingLens Flare or Fast Blureffects may help you make the footage more visually pleasing...