After Effects has several material options properties, and ways to apply materials to extruded text and shape layers. The Material Options section for a layer in the Timeline panel contains the following properties: Appears in Reflections: Indicates if the layer appears in other reflective layers' ...
5 CTRL+Y新建纯色图层,设置背景颜色为黑色、图层的名称为E3D;右击E3D图层在弹出框中依次选择【效果】【Video Copilot】【Element】特效(特效下载地址: 在效果控件面板中设置custom text and masks为文字图层,并单击Scene Setup按钮,在弹出的Scene Setup插件中单击EXTRUDE按...
In the dialog box click the radio button for Extrude Text as Shapes - Highest fidelity export Click OK. NOTE: When you export a After Effects composition to Cinema 4D all of the 3D layers are converted into native C4D objects. The settings of your lights and cameras and footage layers, ...
If your text is unlikely to change after export, it's recommended to select the Extrude Text as Shapes option in the Text Exporting dialog box. When you export, the scene coordinates for the parent null object are shifted so that the center of an After Effects composition matches Cinema 4D...
Hi, I´m having this truble : After Effects error Cinema 4d render failed 5070::0. AE was working fine but when I change to Cinema 4D to extrude some text the composition panel became black and shows this window althoght the geometry options are enable I can´t ...
I can also select the text and hold the Alt or Option key as I select extrude. This is how the object should be parented.Now I can change the extrude offset values in my object tab to make it look how I'd like. Finally, I'll save my project and head back to After Effects, ...
Bad news I'm afraid. No, you cannot extrude a movie.You can extrude text and shape layers. I'd recommend you start here: Adobe After Effects Learn & Support There is a video tutorial in the intro section called 'working with 3D'. Votes Upvote Translate Transla...
Ray-traced, extruded text and shapes. Extrude fully ray-traced text and shapes natively and take full advantage of reflections, environment maps, and more. Variable mask feathering.Create a separate set of splines to precisely control mask feathering. Get the exact shape you want with the proper...
执行【效果】菜单中的【Video Copilot/Element】命令,在【效果控件】面板中展开【Custom Layers/Custom Text and Masks】选项组,在【Path Layer 1】下拉列表中选择文本图层。单击【Scene Setup】按钮进入Element 3D插件的设置窗口,如图1-75所示。 图1-75 STEP 04 单击插件设置窗口左上角的【Extrude】按钮生成...
Do more with After Effects Create incredible motion graphics,text animation, and visual effects with Adobe After Effects. Design for film, TV, video, and web. Legal Notices|Online Privacy Policy 分享此頁面 連結已複製 此頁面有幫助嗎? 是,謝謝不盡然...