在使用Adobe After Effects打开文件时,如果遇到“After Effects error: missing data in f”这样的错误提示,这通常意味着项目中使用的素材文件出现了问题。具体来说,这可能是由于素材文件的链接失效,或是素材文件已被删除。如果遇到这种情况,首先需要检查项目中的素材文件是否仍然存在于原始位置。确保所有...
After Effects error: Missing data in file. 报错信息说明: After Effects错误:在文件中缺少数据。该project项目文件中没有包含任何与其相关的数据。 报错的可能原因: 在你上次保存该文件的时候,肯定是有个什么东西出错了。该文件必须是完全没有无效数据的必须文件,它可能只是非结构化的,因而并没有什么意义,也就是...
After Effects error: Missing data in file.2)报错信息说明:After Effects错误:在文件中缺少数据。该project项目文件中没有包含任何与其相关的数据。3)建议解决方法:唯一的解决办法就是还原该project项目文件,或者在另一个project项目文件中导入该文件的至少其中一部分。
again - missing data in file. (33::4 ) The programme was transmitted last night so I will get paid for this edit. However, I have lost many days of work this last year trying to keep After Effects and Premiere working properly. Thanks to this community for helping us ou...
again - missing data in file. (33::4 ) The programme was transmitted last night so I will get paid for this edit. However, I have lost many days of work this last year trying to keep After Effects and Premiere working properly. Thanks to this community for helping us out...
报错提示信息: After Effects: AEGP Plugin RPFimport: No camera data in the file. 报错信息说明: AE提示:在文件中没有摄像机的相关数据。从 RPF Camera Extract 摄像机关键帧助手中无法提取相关的关键帧,因为在RPF文件中无法找到关于摄像机的数据信息。 报错的可能原因: 除了自...阅读全文 » AE报错 5027...
Searching for software to repair after effects error file which is damaged or unsupported on desktop? No need to worry, by using Yodot Video Repair tool you can easily fix it.
素材的帧大小为 640x480 或 648x486;素材为 1920x1080 HD(非 HDV 或 DVCPRO HD);素材为 1280x720 HD 或 HDV;或者素材是从不支持非方形像素的应用程序导出的。此设置也适用于从影片转换的素材或自定义项目。 D1/DV NTSC 0.91 素材的帧大小为 720x486 或 720x480,并且所需结果为 4:3 帧长宽比。此设...
When you import a labeled video file, After Effects honors the field order label automatically. You can override this field order by applying different footage interpretation settings. If a file does not contain a field order label, you can match the original field order of your footage. If ...
Watch the following video for quick steps on how to delete the media cache files in After Effects. Note: Cleaning the database and cache with the Clean Database & Cache button does not remove files that are associated with footage items for which the source files are still available. To ma...