I'm very proficient in Illustrator been using it professionally for years and find it really annoying how unintuitive the exact same tools by the exact same developers are in After Effects. I freqently find myself googling how the eff do I just edit a shape's points/path and why is ...
Hide Locked Masks → 隐藏已锁定遮照 Mask and Shape Path → 遮罩与形状路径 ┗RotoBezier → 旋转曲线 Closed → 关闭 Set First Vertex → 设置首个顶点 Free Transform Points → 自由变换点, 质量← Quality ┗Best → 最佳 Draft → 草图 Wireframe → 线框 转换开关 ← Switches ┗Hide Other Video ...
Create and modify shapes using Pen and shape tools and copy paths into After Effects from Illustrator and Photoshop.
You can use the drawing tools in After Effects to draw different shapes. Whenever you use a drawing tool to create a shape, a new layer is created. This layer is called a shape layer. Once you create a shape layer, you can specify the fill and stroke color, the transparency, and the...
“Edit”>“Paste” D. “Edit”>“Cut” 正确答案:A 34. 在 After Effects 中,展开当前图层的 Position 属性的快捷键是: A. P 键 B. T 键 C. S 键 D. R 键 正确答案:A 35. 在 After Effects 中,展开当前图层的 Rotation 属性的快捷键是: A. P 键 B. T 键 C. S 键 D. R 键 正确...
After Effects Shapes Properties Once your shape layer is created, you can see and edit the properties such as path, stroke, fill, transform… Add Shape Options Now let get to the cool options that you can use on any vector shapes in After Effects On the right side of Contents you will ...
Specifies the angles of a star by controlling the distance between inner points and the center of the star. Mask Specifies the mask used to create a wave. This control is available if you choose Mask from the Wave Type pop-up menu. Image Contour controls You can base the wave shape on...
答案1:在Reshape特效的Effect Controls对话框Correspondence Points栏中添加新的控制点 答案2:激活Reshape特效的状态下,按住Shift键单击Mask 答案3:激活Reshape特效的状态下,按住Alt键单击Mask 答案4:Mask的控制点即对应变形控制点 正确答案:3 15 问题:在After Effects中,能够直接建立的层包括: ...
Mask Shape→遮罩形状 Mask Feather→遮罩羽化 Mask Opacity→遮罩不透明度 Mask Expansion→遮罩伸缩 Reset Mask→重置遮罩 Remove Mask→删除遮罩 Remove All Masks→删除所有遮罩 Mode→模式 ┗None→无 Add→相加 Subtrace→相减 Intersect→交集 Lighten→变亮 ...
Learn about layers in After Effects, and create and work with layers such as precomposition layers, video and audio layers, and adjustment layer.