●“New Premiere Pro Sequence”(新建Premiere Pro序列):启动Premiere Pro软件,并新建一个序列,在Premiere Pro中对此序列的操作可以实时反映在Adobe After Effects CS5软件中,实现两个软件的协同操作,弥补Adobe After Effects CS5软件在剪辑方面的不足。●“Import Premiere Pro Sequence”(导入Premiere Pro序列):启动...
The thing is that I am trying to master an after effects and this type of video I usually edit and compile in premiere pro but now I am trying to make a video fully in after effects only audio I edited in premiere pro. After I finnish my video I am gonna render it vi...
在After Effects的“时间线”窗口中可以对“蒙版(Mask)”“锚点(Anchor Point)”“位置(Position)”“缩放(Scale)”“旋转(Rotation)”“不透明度(Opacity)”和“效果(Effect)”设置关键帧。 在After Effects CC 2015中设置关键帧动画十分简单,秒表是在“时间线”图层的个别属性中设置关键帧的图标。在图层的属性中...
1.6.13 Audio Hardware(音频硬件)参数 61 1.6.14 Audio Output Mapping(音频输出映射)参数 62 第2章 After Effects CS6的工作流程 63 2.1 素材的导入及管理 64 2.1.1 将素材导入到 Project(项目)窗口的方法 64 2.1.2 导入序列文件 65 技术专题 设置素材的帧速率 66 2.1.3 导入含有图层的素材 67 2.1.4 ...
Choose Edit > Preferences > Display (Windows) or After Effects > Preferences > Display (macOS), and select Hardware Accelerate Composition, Layer, And Footage Panels. Close unneeded panels. After Effects must use memory and processor resources to update open panels, which may slow the work that...
1.2 After Effects CS6的部分新增功能 15 1.3 界面 16 1.3.1 停靠/成组/浮动面板操作 17 1.3.2 调整面板或面板组的尺寸 19 1.3.3 调整面板或面板组的尺寸 19 1.3.4 保存/重置/删除工作区 19 1.4 菜单 20 1.4.1 File(文件)菜单 20 1.4.2 Edit(编辑)菜单 24 ...
After Effects allocates RAM to play video and audio in the Timeline, Layer, or Footage panel at real-time speed. The number of frames that can be stored for real-time playback depends on the settings in the Preview panel. The default preview behavior is configured to produce a preview ...
STEP 01 运行After Effects软件后按快捷键Ctrl+N新建合成,设置合成名称为【MAIN】,【持续时间】为0:00:10:00,并在【预设】下拉列表中选择【HDTV 1080 24】。按快捷键Ctrl+Y新建一个纯色图层,设置图层名称为【BG】,【颜色】值为#972F2F。在【字符】面板中设置字体为【ZT Dictum】,字体样式为【Bold】,字体大...
第一章 After Effects入门基础 第一节 概述 1.简介 2.强大的功能 第二节 菜单简介 1.File(文件)菜单 2.Edit(编辑)菜单 3.Composition(合成)菜单 4.Layer(层)菜单 5.Effect(效果)菜单 6.Animation(动态)菜单 7.View(视图)菜单 8.Window(窗口)菜单 9.Help(帮助)菜单 第三节 界面...