2.3D通道效果 3D Channel Effects 3.音频效果 Audio Effects 4.模糊和锐化效果 Blur & Sharpen 5.Mocha AE跟踪表面 Mocha AE 6.通道效果 Channel Effects 7.颜色校正效果 Color Correction Effects 8.扭曲效果 Distort effects 9.表达式控件 Expression Controls 10.生成效果 Generate Effects 11.VR沉浸式视频效果 ...
Color Burn → 颜色加深 Classic Color Burn → 典型颜色加深 Linear Burn → 线性加深 Darken Color →暗色 Add → 添加 Lighten → 变亮 Screen → 屏幕 Color Dodge → 颜色减淡 Classic Color Dodge → 典型颜色减淡 Linear Dodge → 线性减淡 Lighter Color → 亮色 Overlay → 叠加 Soft Light → 柔光 ...
effect(name) 返回类型:效果。 参数类型:name 是一个字符串。 After Effects 在“效果控件”面板中按照名称查找效果。名称可以是默认名称或者用户定义的名称。如果多个效果具有相同名称,则会使用最接近“效果控件”面板顶层的效果。示例: effect("Fast Blur")("Blurriness") ...
Effects > Color Correction > Video Limiter. You can apply it to individual layers, or to an adjustment layer to limit your entire composition. You can use the Video Limiter effect instead of the similar but older, 8-bpc-only Broadcast Colors effect....
. To apply this GPU-accelerated effect, selectEffects > Color Correction > Video Limiter. You can apply it to individual layers, or to an adjustment layer to limit your entire composition. You can use theVideoLimitereffect instead of the similar but older, 8-bpc-onlyBroadcast Colorseffect....
Voice Phase Change 声音相位变化。Invertphase讲声音相位相反。Stereo Voices 设置为立体声效果。 Dry on原音输出。wet out效果音输出。 如果应用合唱效果,将 Voice Separation Time设置为 40以上,Voice设置为 4,Modulation Rate设置为0.1 Modulation设置为 50%, Voice Phase Change设置为 90,选择Steroe Voice选项,...
Explore step-by-step methods to change, correct, and enhance colors in After Effects. Learn effects, keyframing, grading, overlays, masks, and custom presets for dynamic visual transformations. Elevate your video projects with captivating color manipulat
Once you’ve masked the object, you shouldselect the adjustment layeryou created earlier. Click onthe Effects menu and then go to Color Correction and choose the Hue/Saturation effect. You can then change the color of the masked object using theMaster Huesetting. Furthermore,changing the opacit...