Can you save a single composition from an After Effects project so it can be opened inside a second project? Deleting a couple hundred files from a large AEP to reduce it to a single comp is not realistic. Just need to move one composition into another project where it...
1、After Effects cs6菜单中英文对照File菜单 新建 New New Project 新建项目 & 2、#160; New Folder 新建文件夹 打开项目 Open Project 打开最近项目 Open Recent Proj 3、ects 关闭 Close 保存 Save 另存为 Save As. 4、60; 保存副本 Save a Copy. 恢复 Revert 导入 Import 5、60; File. 文件 ...
新建合成←New Composition 合成设置←Compodition Settings 背景颜色←Background Color 设置海报←Set Poster Time 修剪合成适配工作区域←Trim Comp to Work Area 裁切合成适配自定区域←Crop Comp to Region of Interest 增加到渲染序列←Add To Render Queue ...
A great way to see how advanced users use After Effects is to open one of the template projects included with After Effects, open a composition to activate it, and press U or UU to reveal only the animated or modified layer properties. Viewing the animated and modified properties shows you...
本书是全球公认的最佳After Effects图书之一。本书全面深入地介绍了After Effects CC特效合成所需的核心技术,阐述了逼真的视频特效创建艺术,能够帮助有一定经验的读者,使视频特效作品更上一层楼。
Keylight光键 LinearColorKey线性色彩键 LumaKey亮度键 SpillSuppressor溢色抑制 蒙版工具MatteTools MatteChoker蒙版清除 SimpleChoker简单清除 杂色Noise 绘画Paint 透视Perspective 渲染Render 仿真Simulation 风格化Stylize 文字Text 时间Time 切换Transition 视频Video Compostion菜单 新建合成NewComposition 合成设置Compodition...
See Collect files in one location. Pre-render nested compositions. Render a completed composition as a movie so that After Effects doesn’t rerender the composition every time it is displayed. See Pre-render a nested composition. Substitute a low-resolution or still-image proxy for a source ...
Back when I first installed After Effects 2022 on one of the iMac Pros that I use, it was crashing like crazy just while clicking around while After Effects 2021 was very stable. I took the time to update all of the third party plugins rather than disable th...
The Collect Files command gathers copies of all the files in a project or composition into a single location. Use this command before rendering, for archiving, or for moving a project to a different computer system or user account. When you use the Collect Files command, After Effects creates...
采用AE软件进行视频制作时,如果需要动态添加特效,可以采用脚本的方式添加,源代码如下所示: {/* UpgradeLegacyBlurs.jsx Upgrade legacy Gaussian Blur and Fast Blur effects to use the new GPU-accelerated Gaussian Blur */varrepeatEdges=false;functionaskAboutEdges(){varmyWindow=newWindow("dialog","Upgrade ...