让物体沿着路径移动: 选中形状层或mask的path属性复制,在物体的position属性上粘贴,物体的中心点就会沿着路径移动了。 完了记得按住快捷键Ctrl+alt+O,勾选along path可以让物体沿着路径变化方向。 ——— 使用多边形工具,在创建的同时滚动滚轮,或者键盘上下键,可以即时改变附加属性,比如调整圆角矩形的圆角大小,多边形的...
完了记得按住快捷键Ctrl+alt+O,勾选along path可以让物体沿着路径变化方向。———使用多边形工具,在...
(1)打开After Effects的时候,After Effects提供一个空白的project窗口。这时候,可以按下 Ctrl+Alt+Shift十P来打开上次编辑的Project(项目文件)。 (2)在Project窗口的空白处双击,可以打开Import File(文件输入)对话框。 (3)在Import File(文件输入)对话框下,如果选择Import Folder(输入文件夹),可以将整个文件夹都输...
中,选择第二项(OrientAlongPath)。 31、导入“木板.jpg”素材,将其拖放在“总成”时间线面板底部,并打开其3D开关。 32、设定“木板”层的Position值为360,512,-37,Scale值为113,211,100%,XRotation值为 0X+98,ZRotation值为-270。 33、导入“壶.tga”素材(勾选第三种Alpha方式),将其拖放在“蝴蝶嵌套”...
Browse the latest Adobe After Effects tutorials, video tutorials, hands-on projects, and more. Ranging from beginner to advanced, these tutorials provide basics, new features, plus tips and techniques.
沿路径创建粒子Create Particles Along a Path After Effects Tutorial (No Plugins).rar: https://wwwaegwj.pipipan.com/fs/19319645-383399598粒子 积分获取方式:发文赚钱+签到积分+推广返利+充值 本站仅供资源信息交流学习,不保证资源的可用及完整性,有任何问题请联系站长...
You can then animate the text along that path, or animate the path itself. You can use open or closed masks to create paths for text. After you create the path, you can modify it at any time. When using a closed mask as a text path, make sure to set the mask mode to None....
Orient Along Path The layer faces in the direction of the motion path. For example, use this option for a camera to depict the perspective of a driver who is looking at the road ahead while driving.Orient Towards Camera The layer is always oriented so that it faces the active camera....
Voila, you have instant path animation! You can also continue to adjust the path animation by moving the keys and adjusting the points and bezier handles. Compositing Options for Effects This one is a real hidden gem. For those of you who mostly use the Effects Panel when working with effe...
一、导入 1浏览导入 Windows-media browser 2模版导入 Animation-browse-Presets 3增加模版 File-adobe ...