让物体沿着路径移动: 选中形状层或mask的path属性复制,在物体的position属性上粘贴,物体的中心点就会沿着路径移动了。 完了记得按住快捷键Ctrl+alt+O,勾选along path可以让物体沿着路径变化方向。 ——— 使用多边形工具,在创建的同时滚动滚轮,或者键盘上下键,可以即时改变附加属性,比如调整圆角矩形的圆角大小,多边形的...
完了记得按住快捷键Ctrl+alt+O,勾选along path可以让物体沿着路径变化方向。———使用多边形工具,在...
Browse the latest Adobe After Effects tutorials, video tutorials, hands-on projects, and more. Ranging from beginner to advanced, these tutorials provide basics, new features, plus tips and techniques.
中,选择第二项(OrientAlongPath)。 31、导入“木板.jpg”素材,将其拖放在“总成”时间线面板底部,并打开其3D开关。 32、设定“木板”层的Position值为360,512,-37,Scale值为113,211,100%,XRotation值为 0X+98,ZRotation值为-270。 33、导入“壶.tga”素材(勾选第三种Alpha方式),将其拖放在“蝴蝶嵌套”...
Orient Along Path The layer faces in the direction of the motion path. For example, use this option for a camera to depict the perspective of a driver who is looking at the road ahead while driving.Orient Towards Camera The layer is always oriented so that it faces the active camera....
沿路径创建粒子Create Particles Along a Path After Effects Tutorial (No Plugins).rar: https://wwwaegwj.pipipan.com/fs/19319645-383399598粒子 积分获取方式:发文赚钱+签到积分+推广返利+充值 本站仅供资源信息交流学习,不保证资源的可用及完整性,有任何问题请联系站长...
一、导入 1浏览导入 Windows-media browser 2模版导入 Animation-browse-Presets 3增加模版 File-adobe ...
同时按下Ctrl+Alt+O,调出Auto-Orientation(自动定向)对话框,选择其下的OrientAlongPath(沿着路径的方向),如图8.7.2.4 图8.7.2.4 6)调节路径的手柄,观察合成窗口,效果如图8.7.2.5 图8.7.2.5 7)将butterflyA层复制三份,然后依次命名为butterflyB,butterflyC,butterflyD,在合成窗口中调节它们的飞行路径,以产生差别...
When this option is selected, each render item is assigned the same folder name as the previous render item until you change the path. If a composition is rendered more than once, After Effects adds a number to the filename (for example, composition_name_1)....
Learn about the Distort effects in After Effects, get a list of third-party effects included with After Effects and other resources.