裁剪合成到目标范围 ←Crop Comp to Region of Interest 增加到渲染序列 ←Add To Render Queue 添加输出模块 ←Add Output Module 预演←Preview ┗RAM Preview →内存预演 Wireframe Preview →线框图预演 Motion with Trails →动态跟踪 Audio →音频 Audio Preview(Here Forward)→音频预演(从当前位置开始) Audi...
Checkerboard:棋盘 Circle:圆形 Ellipse:椭圆 Eyedropper Fill: 吸管填充 Fill:填充 Fractal:分形 Gradient Ramp:梯度渐变 Grid:网格 Lens Flare:镜头光晕 Paint Bucket:油漆桶 Radio Waves:无线电波 Scribble:涂写 Stroke:描边 Vegas:勾画 Write-on:写入 Keying 键控 Advanced Spill Suppressor:高级溢出抑制器 CC Simpl...
Solved: I have been trying to make type in a circle shape. I am hoping to animate the text so that it moves in a circle. I am using after effects to make this - 10900710
Circle 圆Ellipse 椭圆Eyedropper Fill 吸色管填充 Fill 填充Fractal 分形Grid 网格Lens Flare 镜头光晕 Paint Bucket 油漆桶 Radio Waves 电波Ramp 渐变Scribble 涂鸦Stroke 描边Vegas 勾画Wirte-on 书写梦中看红尘╰ 后期达人 7 滤镜组 Keying(键控)CC Simple Wire Removal CC 简单金属丝移除 Color Difference ...
--circle圆形 --ellipse椭圆 --eyedropper fill吸管填充 --fill填充 --fractal分形 --gradient ramp梯度渐变 --grid网格 --lens flare镜头光晕 --paint bucker油漆桶 --radio waves无线电波 --scribble涂写 --stroke描边 --vegas勾画 --write-on手写效果 Keying抠像特效 --advanced spill suppressor高级溢出抑制器...
放大镜表达式——COSEA 两个图层,下为视频,放大区域为circle的形状层,或者固态生成的circle形状层,命名为“放大区域”,只需Ctrl+Alt+Home锚点居中而无需画面居中;然后,给视频添加magnify,将magnify的center链接到放大区域的position,即可实现 thisComp.layer("放大区域").transform.position...
After Effects 滤镜名中英文对照 AdobeAfterEffectsCS5滤镜名称英汉对照表 3DChannel(3D通道) 3DChannelExtract3D通道提取 DepthMatte深度蒙板 DepthofField景深 EXtractoR提取器 Fog3D雾化3D IDMatteID蒙板 IDentifier标识符 Audio(音频) Backwards倒放 Bass&Treble低音与高音 Delay延迟 Flange&Chorus镶边与和声 High﹐...
Create and modify shapes using Pen and shape tools and copy paths into After Effects from Illustrator and Photoshop.