Iris Wipe指定顶点数产生多边形,对图像进行切换Radial Wipe在指定的环绕方向上呈辐射擦拭层素材Venetian Blinds在层素材或合成图像上产生百叶窗效果Linear Wipe在层指定方向上显示擦拭效果,显示底层画面Video视频效果Brdcast Colors(广播级颜色)调整像素色彩的值Reduce Interlace FlickerTimecode消除隔行扫描产生的闪烁的现象...
In the first part of this guide, you’ll be removing noise and grain using only the After Effects built-in Remove Grain effect. This effect aims to restore the image of your video footage using advanced signal processing to reduce noise while preserving the image detail. Step 1. Import Vide...
十五,Render效果 Render效果组里包含很多特效,(4 color Gradient/Advanced Lightning/Audio Spectrum/Audio Waveform/ Beam/Cell Pattern/Ellipse/Fill/Fractal/Fractal Noise/Grid/Lens Flare/Lightning/Radio Waves /Ramp/Stroke/Vegas)十七项---没有在这里列举的是第三方插件,就不讲解了。可以创造一些原画面中没有的...
Simple Choker →简单抑制 噪波与颗粒←Noise & Grain ┗Add Grain →添加颗粒 Dust & Scratches→灰尘与刮痕 Fractal Noise →分形噪波 Match Grain →匹配颗粒 Median →中值 Noise →噪波 Noise Alpha →Alpha噪波 Noise HLS →HLS噪波 Noise HLS Auto →自动HLS噪波 Remove Grain →移除颗粒 Turbulent Noise ...
1、After Effect菜单中英文对照 File菜单 新建New NewProject新建项目 NewFolder新建文件夹 打开项目OpenProject 打开最近项目OpenRecentProjects 关闭Close 保存Save 另存为SaveAs. 保存副本SaveaCopy. 恢复Revert 导入Import File.文件 MultipleFiles.多个文件 Placeholder.输入占位符 Solid.实色 导入最近镜头ImportRecent...
Channel Blur 通道模糊 Compound Blur 混合模糊 Directional Blur 方向模糊 Fast Blur 快速模糊 Gaussian Blur 高斯模糊 Lens Blur 镜头虚化模糊 Radial Blur 径向模糊 Reduce Interlace Flicker 降低交错闪烁 Sharpen 锐化 Smart Blur 智能模糊 Unshart Mask 反遮罩锐化 Channel 通道特效 Alpha Levels Alpha 色阶 Arithmeti...
Effect菜单 特效控制←Effect Controls 上一个特效←Reduce Interlace Flicker 全部删除←Remove All 有储收藏←Save Favorite 应用收藏←Apply Favorite 最近收藏←Recent Favorites 三维通道←3D Channel ┗3D Chaccel Extract→提取三维通道 Depth Matte→深度蒙版 Depth of Field→场深度 Fog 3D→雾化 ID Matte→ID蒙...
27、r 通道模糊 Compound Blur 复合模糊 Directional Blur 方向模糊 Fast Blur 快速模糊 Gaussian Blur 高斯模糊 Lens Blur 镜头模糊 Radial Blur 径向模糊2021-11-340Effect菜单相关词组(四)菜单相关词组(四)Reduce Interlace Flicker 降低隔行扫描闪烁 Sharpen 锐化 Smart Blur 智能锐化 Unsharp Mask 非锐化遮罩 通道...
Yes, you can always reduce the blurriness and shakiness of a video even after shooting it. There are various tools tostabilize a videoand one such tool is Adobe After Effects. Adobe After Effects Warp Stabilizer analyzes and stabilizes motion in a video. In addition, you can use motion track...
The last time it happened, the plugins were Videocopilot Element and Optical flares, but it also happened with some Sapphire suite plugin, and once with Neat Video reduce noise plugin. Same 1114 error. The problem also stacks with the system file open window, if after a succesful opening ...