p::before{content:attr(data-before-text);background-color: aqua;margin-right:0.625rem;padding:0.625rem;} hello world 让我们看一下结果: 请注意,我们如何使用属性 before-text 来提取文本: p::before{content:attr(data-before-text);backgr...
“CSS 伪元素是添加到选择器的关键字,可让您设置所选元素的特定部分的样式。例如,::first-line 可用于更改段落第一行的字体。”— MDN网络文档 可用的 CSS 伪元素列表不是很长。但是,熟悉它们很重要。每一个都有特定的目的。它们可以极大地改进你的 Web 代码库。 以下是所有 CSS 伪元素: ::after ::before...
原文| https://betterprogramming.pub/mastering-css-before-and-after-ecf1d59d9a3d 翻译| 小爱 CSS 伪元素用于为元素的指定部分设置样式。回顾一下,让我们检查一下 Mozilla 开发者网络上的参考解释: “CSS 伪元素是添加到选择器的关键字,可让您设置所选元素的特定部分的样式。例如,::first-line 可用于更改段...
We can also support keyboard users with this technique, by adding a tabindex of 0 to make each span keyboard focusable, and using a CSS :focus selector. This shows how flexible ::before and ::after can be, though for the most accessible experience a semantic disclosure widget created in ...
had a same problem few minutes ago and justcontent:none;did not do work but addingcontent:none !important;anddisplay:none !important;worked for me T Tha'er M. Al-Ajlouni p:after { content: none; } This is a way to remove the:afterand you can do the same for:before ...
We can also support keyboard users with this technique, by adding a tabindex of 0 to make each span keyboard focusable, and using a CSS :focus selector. This shows how flexible ::before and ::after can be, though for the most accessible experience a semantic disclosure widget created in ...
We can also support keyboard users with this technique, by adding atabindexof0to make eachspankeyboard focusable, and using a CSS:focusselector. This shows how flexible::beforeand::aftercan be, though for the most accessible experience a semantic disclosure widget created in some other way (...
在CSS 中可以使用 ::before 伪元素选择器与 ::after 伪元素选择器在页面中的元素的前面或后面生成内容,而生成的内容是用 content 属性来定义的。 代码语言:javascript 复制 /* CSS3 syntax */::before::after/* CSS2 syntax */:before:after 用content 主要用于生成以下几类内容: ...