AAR(After Action Review)-- 任务后检视方法 AAR (检视方法) 定义 AAR(AfterAction Review)-- 任务后检视方法 AAR 最早是美国陆军所进行的一项任务后的检视方法。美国陆军把 AAR 定义为: 「对一事件的专业性讨论,着重于表现标准,使参加者自行发现“发生了 什么、为何发生、及如何维持优点,并改进缺点”。」 对...
14, 2013 Here are some common pitfalls that should be avoided in any form of reflective exercise: No Actions, No Results: In many other methodologies and cultures, Hansei is termed differently, like retrospectives in Scrum and After Action Reviews in American Culture (developed by US Army). ...
After Action Review LOGO AfterActionReview WhatisAAR'sorigin?AfterActionReviewwasthestandardoperatingproceduresoftheUSarmyoriginally.Inordertowininafuturewar,thearmyneedslotsoftrainingordinarilyandcorrecterrorsintimeandstandardisethesuccessfulpractice.TheU.S.Armylearntfromtheirexperience(Learningafterdoing)and...
The Army's After Action Review (AAR) is arguably one of the most successful organizational learning methods yet devised. Yet, most every corporate effort to graft this truly innovative practices into their culture has failed because, again and again, people reduce the living practice of AAR's ...
A typical project review is done "post-mortem" – after the fact, and well past any opportunity to change the outcome. You finish a project, and then you study it to determine what happened. From there, you decide which processes to keep and what you'll do differently next time. That ...
灵感来自于art of charm minisod 45 The after action review http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/行动后学习机制 http://www.kstoolkit.org/PLANNING%2C+MONITORING%2C+EVALUATION http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNADF360.pdf 20170924 如何预测未来(Reality, Explanations, Observations) ...
1、 部门培训资料:aar aaraar(after(after action reviewaction review ) -事后回顾事后回顾 aar最早为美国军队的标准程序,同时也为商业组织提供了可资借鉴的 操作模式.据说,壳牌、西尔斯、摩托罗拉、ge等许多公司的培训主管曾研 究过美国军队的行动后学习机制 . . 部门培训资料:aar 第一部分第一部分: :起源起源...
AAR(AfterAction Review)--任务后检视方法 AAR最早是美国陆军所进行的一项任务后的检视方法。美国陆军把AAR定义为:「对一事件的专业性讨论,着重于表现标准,使参加者自行发现“发生了什么、为何发生、及如何维持优点,并改进缺点”。」 对美国陆军来说,使用这种方法的好处是当新的理解被产生时,可以马上响应到行动上,...
Review, analyse, add value Organisations that have experienced a major disruption recognise that no matter how effective their response, they can always do better. The after action review enables two perspectives — each an opportunity to improve your understanding of the business and other functional...
部门培训资料:aar(afteractionreview)aar事后回顾 部门培训资料:AAR 第一部分:起源 AAR最早为美国军队的标准程序,同时也为商业组织提供了可资借鉴的 操作模式.据说,壳牌、西尔斯、摩托罗拉、GE等许多公司的培训主管曾研 究过美国军队的行动后学习机制 .案例分享一 部门培训资料:AAR •微软公司在每个新版本软件发布...