网络释义 1. 事后报告 到的讯息,由所蒐集到的信号情报所写成的「事后报告」(after-action report)。根|基于2个网页 例句 释义: 全部,事后报告 更多例句筛选 1. Monday morning when they called for the after-action report, I informed them that going forward there would be only...
AFTER ACTION REPORTdoi:DID DI-MGMT-82245行动后报告(AAR)提供每次任务事件后的信息.这将使政府有能力利用成功,确定需要改进的领域,并采取适当行动,通过有效应用射程系统,资产和能力,提高满足舰队训练目标的总体支持质量.
After-action report.After-action report.Reports that auditors for the United Nations (UN) are not able to account for $40 million worth of equipment that was supposed to have been transferred from peacekeeping operations in Cambodia to other UN operations. List of some of the things that are ...
An after action report of drotrecogin α (activated) and lessons for the future* 来自 国家科技图书文献中心 喜欢 0 阅读量: 58 作者:Wheeler,S Derek 摘要: The United States Army was one of the first organizations to systematically review and capture lessons learned on a routine basis, beginning...
After Action ReportG. Ellis
This event is called after a processing action for the Database object has finished executing. Applies To:clsDatabase 語法 複製 ReportAfter(obj As Object, ByVal Action As Integer, ByVal success As Boolean) 參數 obj Refers to the object being processed or the target object of the action....
Daniel Newton is the bookkeeper of Rockingham Historical Gamers, a regular co-host on the Historical Miniature Gamers (HMG) podcast, and one of the main Bolt Action event organisers in Perth, Western Australia. He isn’t restricted to an interest in Bolt Action, however, as this Black Po...
After owning Fire in the Lake for about a month and having only played the tutorial, I was excited for the opportunity to get it to the table with my fellow war gaming enthusiast friend Alexander. We set the game up for the medium scenario covering the
The after action review report includes: Incident timeline Log of key decisions and actions Observations Lessons learned Prioritised recommendations The right tools and insights to meet your needs PwC’s Global Centre for Crisis and Resiliencehas guided clients through major disruptions, including regulator...
implementation of their mandates; (b) after-action reviews, which are discussions of a project or action that [...] 其知识共享政策确定 了五类报告:(a) 任务结束报告,这是高级工作人员对其任务执行情况作出的评 估;(b)行动后审查报告,这是对一个项目或 行 动 进行 的讨 ...