必应词典为您提供afsharid-dynasty的释义,网络释义: 阿夫沙尔王朝;阿萨德王朝;
In 1719 the Afghans had invaded Persia. They deposed the reigning Shah of the Safavid dynasty in 1722. Their ruler, Mahmoud Ghilzai (±1699-1725), murdered a large number of Safavid Princes, hacking many of them to death by his own hand. After he had invited the leading citizens of Esf...
The Afsharid dynasty emerged in the 18th century when Nader Shah Afshar defeated the invading Afghans and deposed the Safavid kings. The history of Iran has experienced many ups and downs, transitioning through various dynasties and rulers; however, the Afsharid dynasty is particularly renowned for...
历史超话 阿夫沙尔王朝(Afsharid dynasty),是土库曼人阿夫沙尔部落在伊朗高原建立的一个王朝,因为他们使用红色的头巾,又称为红头王朝,极盛时期统治范围包括今天的伊朗、阿塞拜疆、亚美尼亚以及土库曼斯坦、阿富汗、伊拉克、格鲁吉亚等地的一部分,存在时间为1736至1796年。灭亡于另一支土库曼部落建立的恺加王朝。图1为...