Phylogenetic analysis of haplotype in the combination with the sheep from GenBank showed that Iranian Afshari sheep made a close to the Australian sheep cluster. This study was found informative for establishing relationships between breeds from different parts of the world. This study may facilitate ...
Qanbari S., Osfoori R., Eskandarinasab M. P. A preliminary study of marker data applicability in gene introgression program for Afshari sheep breed. Biotechnology 6 (4) 2007: 513-519Qanbari S,Osfoori R,Eskandari Nasab M P.A preliminary study of marker data applicability in gene ...
Calpastatin polymorphism in Afshari sheep breed from Zanjan province in Iran was evaluated with RFLP method. The present study was conducted to evaluate the Calpastatin polymorphism of one Iranian sheep breed (Afshari), using RFLP method. The out coming result revealed 74% and 26% frequency for M...
Investigating the Effect of Using Vitamin AD3E on the Reproductive Performance of Afshari SheepEisapour, M.Yousefizadeh, S.Shamsollahi, M.Fatahnia, F.Mohammadi, Y.Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science
Anatomy of Mandible and Hyoid Apparatus in Iranian Native Sheep (Afshari) Using Computed TomographyZehtabvar, OmidRezaVajhi, AliTonekabony, Seyyed Hossein Modarrespariz, FatemeSoufizadeh, ParhamNorozzadegan, Mohammad hosseinFrontiers in Biomedical Technologies...
BODY MEASUREMENTS RECORDING AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO DETERMINE LIVE WEIGHT AND CARCASS PERFORMANCE OF MACOEI AND AFSHARI SHEEPLinear regressionChest girthLive weightCorrelationAfshariMacoeiIn order to evaluate the relation between body measurements (body length, chest girth, body depth and rump width) with ...
(2012). Presence of SNPs in GDF9 mRNA of Iranian Afshari sheep. Int. J. Fertil. Steril., 5: 225-230.
Growth Performance and Carcass Traites of F1 Crossbreds from Afshari x Zandi and Fashandi x Zandi Sheep under Feedlot Condition 胴体性状生长性能育肥期F1杂种母羊脂肪比例杂交效果干物质采食量摘要:TDepartment of Animal Science,;Shabestar Branch,;Islamic Azad;University,;Shbestar,;Iran Department of ...
Saleh M, Harkinezhad MT, Marefat A, Salmani V: An outbreak of abortion in Afshari sheep with probable involvement of Campylobacter fetus. Iran J Vet Med 2013, 7(1):51. -56, 76.Saleh M, Harkinezhad MT, Marefat A, Salmani V: An outbreak of abortion in Afshari sheep with probable ...
Eskandarinasab, M., Ghafouri-Kesbi, F., and Abbasi, M.: Different models for evaluation of growth traits and Kleiber ratio in an experimental flock of Iranian fat-tailed Afshari sheep, J. Anim. Breed. Genet., 127, 26-33, 2010.