Afro-Asiatic, formerly called Hamito-Semitic, is the largest language family of northern Africa. With a total number of speakers estimated at more than 300 million, it is spread throughout North Africa, theArabian Peninsulaand the Middle East. SinceArabic,Hebrew, Coptic, andSyriac, are the la...
Semitic- a major branch of the Afro-Asiatic language family Hamitic,Hamitic language- a group of languages in northern Africa related to Semitic Egyptian- the ancient and now extinct language of Egypt under the Pharaohs; written records date back to 3000 BC ...
This language family originated in the Sahara area before it became a desert and spread to the Horn of Africa, North Africa and the Middle East. During the 7th Century AD, Arabic spread from the Arabian Peninsula with Islam to cover most of North Africa and the Middle East....
The meaning of AFRO-ASIATIC LANGUAGES is a family of languages widely distributed over southwestern Asia and northern Africa, comprising the Semitic, Egyptian, Berber, Cushitic, and Chad subfamilies.
用法例句 1. Arabic, belonging to the Afro-Asiatic language family, includes both the literary language and varieties of Arabic spoken across the Middle East, North Africa, and the Horn of Africa. 阿拉伯语,属于亚非语系语言家族,它包括中东、北非和非洲之角的文学语言和阿拉伯口语类。
family itself. In light of the great age of Semitic attestations, they carry this notion a step further, into the discussion of the hypothetical ancestral language. The result, at least for them, is that Proto-Afro-Asiatic comes to resemble a “Semitic type” language. Recent data from ...
Bantu language can be considered to be one of the branches within a larger family. Afroasiatic branches segment in a way that reinforces the hypothesis of the North African origin. Omotic is being discovered as a family in itself, separated from Cushitic, under the modifications of Greenberg's...
将“Afro-Asiatic languages"翻译成不丹文 ཨེཕ་རོ་-ཨེ་ཤི་ཡ་ཊིག་ཁ是将“Afro-Asiatic languages"翻译成 不丹文。 Afro-Asiatic languages A language family spoken throughout the northern part of Africa and the Middle East, including amongst others ...
___ is in the Afro-Asiatic language family. ___ hör till den afro-asiatiska språkfamiljen. ParaCrawl Corpus Semitic itself is a branch of the larger Afro-Asiatic language family found in (North and East) Africa and Western Asia. South Semitic Den semitiska språkfamiljen är...
2) Austro-Asiatic family 南亚语系 例句>> 3) Asian-African Language and Literature 亚非语言文学4) Kechumaran [,ketʃumə'rɑ:n] 奇楚亚马兰语系5) nonverbal means of connection 非语言联系手段6) system of NVC 非语言交际系统补充资料:亚非 1.亚洲和非洲的并称。 说明:补充资料仅...