机载无线电将数据传输到其他CSDB,使蜂群能够定位、识别和击败目标,同时抵抗损耗并优化目标优先级和到达时间限制。 12. Digital transformation 数字化转型 数字能力部门(Digital Capabilities Directorate )是空军研究实验室的首要组织,旨在对整个技术理事会和全体员工的业务开展方式进行数字化转型。在AFRL数字化转型战略2022-...
AFRL’s chief information officer and director of AFRL’sDigital Capabilities Directorate, will serve as a moderator in a “Hacking the Acquisition Bureaucracy” panel Sept. 16 from 1:40-2:20 p.m. EST in room Potomac D. Bonnell will also...
Dr. Dan Berrigan, worldwide digital collaboration lead, AFRL Digital Capabilities Directorate, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. Berrigan will tell the story of how AFRL’s Google Pilot program began, why it caught on and what it means for collaboration in the future. Jame...
our people are creative and brilliant,” said Berrigan, who at the time of the award nomination, served as digital manufacturing research team lead in the Materials and Manufacturing Directorate. “Users gained the ability to build custom automations for themselves to...
“AFTC and AFRL collaboration is key when it comes to developing capabilities critical to our nation’s defense,” said AFTC Commander Maj. Gen. Evan Dertien. “Our quarterly summit enhances conversations between research, development, test and evaluation to ensure we’re in sync to advance critic...
“There is a need for uniform improvement when it comes to the Arctic strategy,” said Dr. Nancy Kelley-Loughnane, research team lead in the Materials and Manufacturing Directorate’s Biomaterials branch. “When pilots conduct cold-climate missions in Arctic spaces such as Alaska, they might need...