A great starting point is to focus on the most commonly used verbs. Since language is about communication, prioritizing these verbs means you're learning the most practical aspects first. Grouping verbs with similar conjugation patterns is another efficient technique. This approach allows you to lear...
With the football World Cup starting tomorrow, it’s time to take a look at some South African slang. The slang is taken from South Africa’s 11 differentlanguages, which all have constitutionally guaranteed equal status. These languages reflect the diversity of the country, and are: Afrikaans ...
Many translators, influenced by the English language, omit them or change the word order. For the Microsoft voice, use of prepositions is another way to help convey a casual or conversational tone. Starting or ending a sentence with a preposition is acceptable practice in conveying Microsoft ...
Starting with Afrikaans, there was nothing ‘miraculous’ in the development of the language. History bears it out that the language was developed by a minority government—a euphemism for a dictatorship—that presided over one of the most brutal regimes in the modern era and one that committed...
Francois and Arno was starting a band. Usually these bands were singing in English because Kerkorrel was sounding quite old school compared to Kurt Cobain who together with many other internationally acclaimed English bands were influencing the musical styles of the South African music scene and youth...
Ditgaannog belangrik word. (2000s written) it go still important become ‘It is going to become important.’ Table 14indicates thatgaanis used more frequently with reference to proximate futures than in general, which is not a surprising trend given that similar trends can be found in Dutch...
I first made the distinction based on word order, reported in Table 11. Table 11. Raw and relative frequencies with different clause types according to corpus (1). Secondly, the distinction was conceptualized in terms of embeddedness: simplex clauses, coordinated clauses, and matrix clauses (...