The whole scene reminded me of visitors to a menagerie stopping outside some wild beast’s den curiously to examine the monster.” But directly after he comments on the looks of the women with “bull-dog lips, and broad, flat faces” and “crisp woolly hair,” that could be considered ...
Live mascot miffs some CA MERCED — The Univer- sity of California-Merced has adopted a live bobcat kitten at the zoo to be its "Golden Bobcat" mascot, but animal rights advo- cates say the cat should rightfully be returned to the wild. Critics say the city-run zoo and the university ...
My friends who grew up with dogs tell me how when they were teenagers and trusted no one in the world, they could tell their dog all their secrets. It was the one friend who would not gossip or betray, could provide in the middle of the night the soft, unbegrudging comfort and ...
Where we need some role modeling is in instinct, and that’s where a dog is a roving revelation. I did not grow up with dogs, which meant that my older daughter’s respectful but unyielding determination to get one required some adjustment on my part. I often felt she was training me:...