Plants should be shifted to larger pots as they grow, but keeping African violets slightly root-bound can encourage them to bloom. One sign that your violet needs repotting is wilted leaves. The fuzzy leaves have a tendency to collect dust and dirt. Brush them off gently with a small, sof...
What’s great about them is that African Violets kept in the best conditionswill bloom all year round. Their official name isStreptocarpus ionanthus. They are sometimes referred to as the Usambara Violet. Usambara is the name of the mountain range where they were discovered in Tanzania, East...
African Violets Require Adequate Light to BloomByline: TOM BRUTON My African violets look very healthy, but they don't bloom. What could...Bruton, Tom
They bloom best when slightly pot-bound, so don’t be in a rush to move them into larger containers. Repotting African violets: Wait until your plant has outgrown its pot, ceased to flower, or develops multiple crowns before repotting. They are shallow rooted plants so they grow best in...
I have come to notice that the old standards are seen less and less and increasingly more difficult to find. Kilauea is one of them. Hybridizer is Eyerdom (Reg# 6808 1/15/1988) this chimera plant is a perfect example of the “vintage” chimera African violets. Simple in bloom structure...
African Violet chimeras can not be propagated from leaves, as we normally do for other violets. (For more information on leaf propagation, please visit our post, “African Violet Leaf Propagation: How to Produce Baby Plantlets?”). To propagate chimeras from bloom stalks, carefully remove the...
African violets are fairly easy to care for and may bloom several times a year if conditions are right. Advertisement They need high humidity and strong, diffused light; east or west exposure is best. The plants will flower most if the soil is just slightly moist at all times. Don’t let...
In some cases, the plant may bloom, but only a low number of flowers and not profusely. African Violet, perlite and other potting mixes shown below: How To Control Natural Light When Growing African Violets? The best option when it comes to low natural light, is to move the plant to a...
They are native to Tanzania and Kenya and produce stunning purple or white flowers. African Violets are commonly grown as houseplants and thrive in cool, humid environments. They are easy to care for and bloom all year round. The flowers are small but pack a punch, and their unique color ...
Keep your African violet inthe four inch potit came in. Putting African violets into larger pots will make them grow weedy and encourage leaf growth instead of flower growth. It just won't bloom well in a large pot. Check the soil. If you bought your African violet, be aware they are ...