Here are the best Black movies to watch tonight, including comedies like Tyler Perry's 'Why Did I Get Married' to award-winning dramas like 'Moonlight.'
movies 6 moving 19 moving boxes 1 moving walkway 1 mow 1 mower 1 Mozart 1 mud 1 Mugga 1 multiple 3 multistory 1 mural 1 murmuration 1 muscle 1 museum 43 mushroom 4 mushrooms 4 music 41 music festival 2 music shop 7 musical 7 Mytvatn 1 Myvatn 4 Myv...
尽管这些科幻故事可能不完全符合严格意义上的本土叙事定义,但它们将地方文化与全球本土意识相融合,增强了这些作品在实践中的潜在价值:除了描绘与强制入侵和资本主义实践相关的环境破坏外,它们还倡导了一种亲族生态学(kincentric ecology)和祖先智慧。为应对全球环境挑战并设想替代方案,这些作品提出了根植于本土智慧和神话的...
2010. 'Tradition and Colour at its best': 'Tradition' and 'Heritage' in Ghanaian Video-Movies. Journal of African Cultural Studies 22: 7–23. [CrossRef] Meyer, Birgit. 2017. Catholicism and the Study of Religion. In The Anthropology of Catholicism: A Reader. Edited by Kristin Norget, ...
Here are the best Black movies to watch tonight, including comedies like Tyler Perry's 'Why Did I Get Married' to award-winning dramas like 'Moonlight.'
(Bould 2021, 4), while further noticing the presence of environmental preoccupations in films, including blockbuster movies. Expanding these considerations to such environmental catastrophes depicted by works from the Sinophone regions of China and Hong Kong – such as The Mermaid (Meirenyu 美人鱼, ...
(Bould 2021, 4), while further noticing the presence of environmental preoccupations in films, including blockbuster movies. Expanding these considerations to such environmental catastrophes depicted by works from the Sinophone regions of China and Hong Kong – such as The Mermaid (Meirenyu 美人鱼, ...