America Takes Tougher Line with Despotic African Leaders Cold-War Exigencies Fade and US Pushes Harder for Democracy
based on James Baldwin's unfinished manuscript Remember This House. Narrated by actor Samuel L. Jackson, the film explores the history of racism in the United States through Baldwin's reminiscences of civil rights leaders Medgar Evers, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr, as well as his pers...
Marable, Manning, Black Leadership: Four Great American Leaders and the Struggle for Civil Rights, New York: Penguin, 1998. Google Scholar —, “Black Studies and the Racial Mountain,” Souls, Vol. 2, No. 3 (2000), p. 17–36. Article Google Scholar —, W.E.B. Du Bois: Black ...
We must stand up now and start to pay attention to the changing times in our continent and how they are affecting our children, the future leaders of this beautiful continent. Read More Working closely with already established regional bodies like ECOWAS from Western Africa, EAC from East Afri...
The Trump Administration has announced that it is re-orienting American National Defense Strategy toward defending against major power competitors (i.e. Russia and China) rather than the “violent extremists”. The timing may seem worrying to African defense leaders since the “violent extremist” ...
The Role of African Leaders in the Fight for Independence The Transatlantic Slave Trade and Its Consequences Pre-Colonial African Kingdoms and Empires The Role of African Women in History The Impact of the Cold War on African Nations The Legacy of Apartheid in South Africa The Influence of Africa...
Casspir (noun) –South African armoured vehicle, infamously deployed in townships during the anti-apartheid uprisings of the 1980s. Originally designed as a landmine-proof vehicle for use in South Africa’s border war with Angola, in the same era. Casspir is an anagram of SAP and CSIR: ...
world leaders agree Syria on brink of civil war World’s Richest Dictator is Mubarak Write For Us And Get Paid Nigeria: How To Write Articles For Nigerian Blogs & Get Paid In Naira Instantly – Winners Chapel 247 Online Radio & Live Worship Yaba LCDA Chairm...
The confluence of negative colonial legacies, cold war machinations, the proliferation of military coups d'茅tat, and economic crises increased risks to leaders. Their response was a systematic inclination toward regime consolidation, monopolization of power and authority, and curtailment of political ...
The United States, however, had long used Liberia an important base of operations in Africa, and during the Cold War, the U.S. provided millions of dollars in aid that helped prop up Doe’s increasingly unpopular regime. Civil Wars In 1989, Charles Taylor, a former Americo-Liberian official...