BBC采用最新的高清摄影技术,探讨了形式东非大裂谷的地质力量,展现世界上野生动物品种最多的地貌。 Visible from space, Africa's Great Rift Valley runs three thousand miles from the Red Sea to the mouth of the Zambezi. It's a diverse terrain of erupting volcanoes, forest-clad mountains, spectacular ...
东非大裂谷(East African Great Rift Valley)是世界大陆上最大的断裂带,从卫星照片上看去犹如一道巨大的伤疤。当乘飞机 …|基于465个网页 2. 肯尼亚东非大裂谷 肯尼亚东非大裂谷(East African Great Rift Valley)|基于 1 个网页...
The formation of the Great Rift Valley began millions of years ago when the tension between the African and Arabian plates created fissures in the Earth's crust. This process led to the gradual widening of the rift, resulting in the formation of numerous volcanoes, lakes, and mountains. 1.地...
东非大裂谷~ 东非大裂谷East African Great Rift Valley 是世界大陆上最大的断裂带,位于非洲东部,南起赞比西河的下游谷地,向北经希雷河谷至马拉维湖(尼亚萨湖)北部分为东西两支。大裂谷每年以几毫米到几...
(redirected from Great African Rift Valley)Also found in: Thesaurus, Encyclopedia. Great Rift Valley also Rift Valley A system of geologic depressions in southwest Asia and eastern Africa extending from the Jordan River valley to Mozambique. The region is marked by vulcanism and by a series of...
东非大裂谷(East African Great Rift Valley)是世界大陆上最大的断裂带,从卫星照片上看去犹如一道巨大的东非大裂谷卫星图片伤疤。当乘飞机越过浩翰的印度洋,进入东非大陆的赤道上空时,从机窗向下俯视,地面上有一条硕大无朋的“刀痕”呈现在眼前,顿时让人产生一种惊异而神奇的感觉,这就是著名的“东非大裂谷”,...
路过东非大裂谷的时候, 如果不看指示牌,或者没人告诉你, 你肯定看不出哦,太大了, 不知道它就是赫赫有名的 East African Great Rift Valley, 也叫“东非大峡谷”~ 除了对功名利禄教科书般的追逐, 还有很多可以追求的东西, 比如信仰,比如自由,比如极致的美~ 图一图二,每天傍晚游猎的车子带着一身尘土,迎着...
The Great African Rift Valley(东非大裂谷), about6,000 kilometres in length, is a natural wonder of the world,which can be seen from as far as the moon. It was the result of a fissure(裂缝)in the earth's crust(地壳)which happened about thirty million years ago. Going to the Rift ...