Is Real GDP per Capita Panel Stationary with Structural Breaks in African Countries? Econometric EvidenceMonte Carlo method (UsageGross domestic product (AnalysisGross domestic product (Forecasts and trendsEconomic indicatorsThis paper applies a battery of first and second generation panel unit root tests...
Therefore, a populated country with a low total GDP will have a low GDP per capita, while a small rich nation has a high GDP per capita. For instance, South Africa has Africa’s highest GDP, but also counts the sixth-largest population, so wealth has to be divided into its big ...
between the Angolan and US governments is the highest point of this Tuesday's agenda of the Angolan Foreign Affairs minister, Assunção dos Anjos, in the first of his three-day official visit to the United States. [source] * ANGOP Angola: African Diplomatic Corps Meets Country's Parliament...
Industries in East African Community (EAC) with highest GVC participation, 2015 Agriculture 30% of GVC Backward participation is the amount of a country's export value that comes from imported intermediate products. Higher income countries tend to have higher rates of backward participation as they ...
5 Richest Countries in Africa by GDP per Capita 5. South Africa South Africa is the only country to make the continent’s top five richest nations in terms of both overall GDP and GDP per capita. 4. Gabon Gabon’s small population and abundance of natural resources including manganese, uran...
Youth unemployment share in the GCC by country 2019 Participation rate of the labor force in MENA by country 2014 Employment rate of master's graduates South Korea 2012-2022 Topics Central African RepublicGhanaMaliSouth AfricaSudan
Since the 1970s the Gabonese economy has been centered on the oil industry, which has provided it with one of the highest per capita incomes in sub-Saharan Africa and accounts for almost 80% of its export income and 50% of its GDP. Gabon's economy is subject to [source] ...
The highest military expenditure per person (USD 415) is observed in Botswana during President Ian Khama's period in office (2008 – 2018) and the lowest in Malawi during President Bakili Muluzi's office period (1994 – 2004). The country which spends the most on education for the sample ...
Roughly the size of Texas or France, Zambia is a landlocked country, bordered by Tanzania to the northeast, Malawi to the east, Mozambique to the southeast, Zimbabwe and Botswana [source] Much of Zambia remains desperately poor, with GDP per capita on the order of US$600/year, and the ...
“A4AIfound that the average price of 1GB prepaid mobile broadband, when expressed as a % of average per capita Gross National Income (GNI), varied between 0.84% in North America and 17.49% in Africa.” It turns out that in almost every country in Africa, there is a consistent ratio amo...