Progress in the Central African Republic.(LETTERS)
Letters from Ladysmith: Eyewit-ness accounts from the South African War Between 30ctober 1899nd 28ebruary 1900,heritish-controlledownf Ladysmith inheolonyf Natal wasnderiegeyoerorces.ontrolfhe entire Natalolony wasttake,utheesiegedoldiers werenableoallyuccessfullyndheoerorcesould notreakheown's ...
Botany Letters 163 (4): 417-428.Sukhorukov A.P., Martin-Bravo S., Verloove F. & al., 2016. Chorological and taxonomic notes on african plants. Botany Letters., A.P., Martin-Bravo, S., Verloove, F., Maroyi, A., Iamo...
I have never seen her angry at anything and never heard her say a mean word to anyone or about anyone. Happy and her husband Ben, 70, have a huge garden. They spent many happy hours together working on it. Most of the neighbors watched interestingly as Ben doubled the size of their ...
Spirits and letters: reading, writing and charisma in African Christianity by Kirsch, Thomas]]>doi:10.1111/j.1469-8676.2010.00117_11.xMARKGoldsmithsLAMONTGoldsmithsWileySocial Anthropology