Also, the benefits of this growth have not trickled down to the wider population. Too many people are still stuck in poverty, while many experiencing food scarcity. Ousmane Badiane, IFPRI Director for Africa, said, “While the recent growth performance is encour...
Sahara desert has been expanding at a rate of more than 11,000 Km2/year between 1950 and 2022. Less precipitation is predicted to occur over North Africa and the south-western regions of South Africa by 2040. COP27 has been a great turning point for the developing African countries....
The moves came as a growing number of COVID-19 cases have been confirmed in the Sub-Saharan African region where more than 20 countries have ramped up their measures to contain the virus. On Wednesday, the CBK issued a set of emergency measures, including extending personal loan repayment by...
I would say more about this humiliating experience but my lawyers have asked me to refer all questions to them until the conclusion of a pending lawsuit where I am asking for a few hundred million dollars as compensation for the assault on my dignity. And I want my Ovaltine tin of ogbono ...
there is still much room to grow: Africa's retail banking penetration stands at just 38 percent of GDP, half the global average for emerging markets. Africa's banks face challenges aplenty, including low inc...
production. Finally, we make some observations about the effects of the entry of Chinese companies onto the global mining scene for international metal markets, African countries and Chinese domestic mining operations. A detailed description of Chinese mining investments into Africa is given in Online ...
More recently (since 2007), it was introduced in the Caucasus and has now spread to several countries in Eastern and Northern Europe. On August 3, 2018, China confirmed its first-ever ASF outbreak in Shenbei New Area, Shenyang, capital of Liaoning province.2 In total, 47 of 383 hogs ...
It is also advisable to check the specific visa requirements for your country to avoid delays. Cost of Living and Studying in Georgia The cost of living and studying in Georgia is highly affordable compared to many other countries. Low tuition fees, budget-friendly accommodation, and affordable ...
South Africa became one of the few countries in the world to recognize the government of the Republic of China on Taiwan. 【参考译文】南非航空于1974年6月开辟了前往亚洲的航线,使用波音707飞机经停塞舌尔群岛飞往香港。[16]1980年,南非航空开始使用波音747SP执飞台北的直飞航班;此前,香港航线经停站点已由...
has selected ten entrepreneurs as finalists for its 2020 Africa’s Business Heroes (ABH) prize competition. The top ten finalists, averaging 34 years of age, are from eight African countries: Nigeria, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Senegal, Uganda and Zimb...