In 1503, Mayotte was observed by Portuguese explorers, but not colonized. In 1832, it was conquered by Andriantsoly, former king of Iboina on [source] Mayotte was ceded to France along with the other Comoros in 1843. It was the only island in the archipelago that voted in referendums ...
As it happens with many other African countries, the colors of the flag of Senegal are the ones from the Pan-African movement, which got the same colors from the flag of Ethiopia, the only country in Africa that, despite being invaded and occupied by Italy, was never colonized. In additio...
All women find sexuality problematical, especially women living in countries that were colonized or colonized others. The stereotype of repressed sexuality in Victorian England found its antithesis in the stereotype of promiscuous African sexuality which had to be "civilized" and controlled through religio...
African Unity Day, also known as Africa day is celebrated annually on May 25th. It commemorates the founding of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) on this day in 1963. It is a statutory public holiday in several countries such as The Gambia, Mali, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. ...
African states founded the Organization of African Unity and sought collaboration and co-existence with neighboring countries that had also recently driven away their colonizers. Countries from all over the continent hold this day in high regard as it speaks to their past, present, and future as ...
It is a statutory public holiday in several countries such as The Gambia, Mali, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. History of African Unity Day On May 25th 1963, the leaders from 30 of the then 32 independent African states signed a founding charter in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. ...
As many African countries were colonized by various western powers, a number of PE syllabi which emphasized the above skills were introduced to the respective countries; for example, the 1933 syllabus was introduced by Britain to all her colonies. The striking element of this (colonial) system ...
Somalia, like most other countries in Africa, was colonized by European nations during the late 1800s. In 1887, Britain became concerned with keeping the route to [source] possessions in Africa and control of Somalia was given to the United Nations and for 10 years it was a UN trust ...
While African countries have acted decisively to prevent large outbreaks, the conditions of many people's everyday lives there could make a Swiss-style lockdown difficult to enforce—and, even more importantly, highly inequitable. A virus does not distinguish between poor and rich, but it is muc...
The Southern system ofwhite supremacywas accompanied by the expansion of European and American imperial control over nonwhite people in Africa and Asia as well as in island countries of the Pacific and Caribbean regions. Like African Americans, most nonwhite people throughout the world were colonized...